Saturday, May 15, 2010

COACH TRAVELING -- a saturday (not) on horseback

we began our day with morning worship and prayer. john wesley writes in his journal on octo ber 2, 1780, "after preaching at the devizes, i went on to salisbury". that is where we are headed today. but on october third of that year, wesley "walked to wilton and preached to a very serious congregation in the new preaching-house". we weren't all that serious today, but the bus was rather quiet with sleep!
we left bautry hall, but not before a picture of wedgewood above the fireplace, and kris having her first taste of something "very english" -- the name escapes me, but i'm sure kris will NEVER forget the taste! we took two stops before we made our way to stongehenge. this is actually the third life for this mysterious place, not too far from solisbury. we got to use these tech hearing devices, that gave us lots of information that i'm sorry to say i can't remember.

what i can say is this monument evolved between 3,000 and 1,600 bc, and is aligned with the midsummer sunrise and the midwinter sunset. it was all so very international, so i took a picture to make sure that i remembered that i was there!

this is the front view of stonehenge, and the picture below is the back view. it is just "there", and, of course, one of the "must sees" here. we spent about an hour taking this all in.

so then, because it is literally just off the road in the country, it is surrounded by a sheep farm, and canolla -- used by us as oil, but in 'the mother land' it is used as animal feed; better than corn, i'm told, but that is second hand, as the sheep weren't giving out any information today.

our next stop left six of us departing from the coach to tour old sarum, about 2 miles from salisbury. this was the location of the cathedral before it was moved to salisbury. john wesley visited here to have a look-see. he walked both ways; uphill to get here, and downhill to return -- we enjoyed the trip downhill!
two 'ruins' remain here; to the left is a picture of the bridge that crosses the mote that leads to the ruins of the castle, dating back to the roman era; william the conqurer was the last resident.

the picture below gives the back-end view. it is on a high hill, with a beautiful view, and overlooks valley below.

this picture to the left is of the old cathedral, the new one resides in salisbury, 2 miles away. this staircase led down to the treasury. the far side was the rectory, and the picture below was the cathedrial, although i could only get half of one side in the picture. this area of england has "rocks" that are of gem nature; they break and expose mineral deposits that someone with scientific knowledge would be sure to know -- that would not be me. but, it is very interesting none the less!

in case you were wondering, the weather has been great; much like going to the bay area; in the 60's; really, no rain. it has been just great!

traveling into salisbury, we took the foot-path, visited with some of the locals, who, of course, wanted to know where we were from, and how long we were staying. one woman was working on her plot in the community garden. you find these gardens all over; her cost was 20 pounds a year; about $30, and she is very excited to be able to have space for this purpose. i keep saying, 'wouldn't it be great if the merced church could have a garden....?' well, what do you think? i believe it is well worth the time and energy, at least for the produce which can be shared with our neighbors....a great mission project!

still walking toward sarum college, we stopped at st. thomas church; it is very common to bury people here in the churches of england; a true reminder that we are dust....
this artistic depiction is biblical...can you guess what book of the bible it depicts? i'll tell you at the end, but don't scroll down, or you'll miss the picture of the baptismal fount.

i will have to figure out why so many churches have their founts at the back of the church. in fact, every church we've been in has this. i believe it may be theological; remember your baptism as you enter in. certainly holy water is available for that purpose in our catholic churches.

theologically, i like the concept that the symbol of our baptism is ever before us in front, as a reminder that the spirit of god is ever-present. i honestly don't mind the fount being in the back either, as i like that symbolism too! probably, there is a 'right' answer to this, but for now, it makes a great discussion, doesn't it?
so, the biblical scripture that relates to the fresco above is the book of revelation; the new heaven and new earth. the rainbow that jesus is sitting on, and placing his feet upon is symbolic of the central american church that gifted this to this english church! the new covenant made to the people israel, and the reminder that god has made all things new here in heaven and earth!

of course, a blog wouldn't be complete without some pictures of the town, so that you might have a sense of what it is like to be here.
this bridge, for which people drive opposite from us, stands above this waterway. everything is lush and green; they have had a very difficult winter.

and this is in the shopping district. remember, much of the first floor buildings are shops and businesses. it is only when you look up that you see the various styles of the community. and each community is unique.

well, we lost a couple and found two more wandering the streets of salisbury, ready for a bite to eat. so, having skipped tea time today, we are ready for a pub that is serving -- what else but, yes you guessed and chips! you'll be happy to note that i had mine with veggies and no chips. (yes, i said 'good-bye, mr. chips!)
yummy, and then a brief walk thru town to sarum college, and blogging.
about tea time. lemon isn't always here; something to munch on always is, and either the milk goes in before the tea is poured or after it is poured. mid-morning tea, and mid-afternoon tea. a 'flask' of hot chocolate is offered at night. it's a good thing i am walking!!!
blessings to your day; we celebrated assention day at lincoln college in oxford on thursday, where the wesley's went to school; what were you doing on thursday???
tomorrow celebrates the final sunday of easter; students are busy with studies for finals, both here and in merced. so prayers go to you at this time.... as for me tonight? well, it is only 10:45, and i've been invited to a wedding reception down stairs -- and i haven't got a thing to wear! the gates close at 11:30, so no bedtime before then! o, and just an fyi, as to why i won't be moving here anytime soon....flats go for 1 million pounds, here; roughtly $1.5 million. so, while i am enjoying my time here, it looks like i'll be needing that return ticket anyway! but it's not next tuesday yet, so, maybe i'll just head for the tea room... cheerio and love.....

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