Tuesday, October 25, 2011

a change in life

a change in life. when one, well, changes patterns or things that cause, well, changes. changes in life causes one to stop; see things from a different perspective; give air to normality; take a break!

it has been a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng time since i've had a friend visit in merced; so, i got a bit excited; cleaned the house (well, at least aired the guest room) went to the store to stock up on food (made a stew in the crock pot -- it must be autumn!), and even bought flowers, which i hardly ever do for myself.

what a wonderful time to prepare to do something out of the ordinary! changing the routine can be just the ticket to help see life differently; put a little more spring in one's step; it is exciting to be able to share time with others. and to actually take a saturday off from my church life...it was odd, but also very energizing! maybe i'll start a new trend....

actually, another change in life will happen on saturday; daughter kristen and her significant ben will be moving from redwood city to the oakland hills. ok, how did she/they get so lucky? ben secured his doctorate last spring, and has continued to work in his field, but has found a new position that allows him the next step in life. so, away they'll go to 'them thar hills'. lucky them!

so, saturday is part two of the moving experience; the heavy stuff. all that energy of newness; a change in life. so, for the second saturday in a row, i will be doing something non-church related! i'll let you know if the roof is still standing on saturday. it has been a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng time since i've taken two saturdays in a row! does this constitute a trend yet?

i'm the 'lunch provider', and the 'what do you need in your new place' kind of dad; how can i help? what won't strain my back or hurt me too much...ah, i'll stand and direct! that looks nice there; oh, what a great view; wow, this is just perfect! do i sound like a great director? i'm good at providing lunch, and i'll even bring dogie treats for ace!

a change in life. i wonder what i can figure out to do next saturday....oh yea! my annual church conference is on sunday. maybe my trend better be to see what my office looks like on a saturday! after all, it will have been a whole two saturdays sitting empty!

a change in life...i'm still wearing my shorts and keeping my windows open at night. unheard of this late in the season. but i'm liking it. how about you? are you doing a little 'change in life' these days? i recommend it...great for the soul!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

the 'marked' $1 bill

this blog is written with a nod to michael christensen, who wrote his blog last week from drew university on a similar subject. i hadn't read his blog before i had a nudging from god...and then, there was his empowering story!

i had this challenge from god early last week, as i prepared for my sermon on 'give caesar what is caesar's, and give god what belongs to god (matthew 22:15-22).' there seemed to be a tie-in with my preaching topic for november 13th on the parable of the talents (matthew 25:31-46), where three faithful stewards are entrusted with someone else's money; two double the money, and the other one buries the money for fear of losing it.

the challenge from god, and as it turns out, from me, was to offer the congregation $120 worth of "seed money" -- 120 was the anticipated worship attendance for sunday; 120 marked $1 bills with a sheet of explanation were placed into offering baskets and passed around the congregation. everyone was invited to take a marked bill (for tracking purposes) and see how 'god's money' could be used to further the love of god over the next few weeks.

people were invited to prayerfully consider how to invest this $1, returning the earnings back to god, or sharing how they utilized 'what belongs to god'. i shared some examples: perhaps you could add this $1 bill to your own funds and purchase ingredients for a baking or craft project, selling your wares and retuning to god the results of that project; or use this seed money to help purchase supplies for food items to make a meal for someone in need, or share an event with someone who you've been meaning to get to know better; or add it to someones scholarship fund. just be creative, and do something 'godly' with this $1 bill!

then, folks are invited to either return the marked $1 bill or the results of their investment, and/or a note explaining how they shared 'what belongs to god' on november 13th. i'll share the results -- which is why the dollars got 'marked', when everything is tabulated. i can't wait to see how creative folks will get with what belongs to god -- especially in these economic times!

and, if you weren't able to be in worship on sunday, but would like to be part of this exciting opportunity, just let me know, and i'll send you a marked $1 bill. i have some left...they're going fast...what belongs to god may be eternal, but it doesn't stay around forever!

i'll share one funny story so far. one of the dollar bills was left on the pew, and has been deemed the 'quick return buck'. witty. i never said god did not have a sense of humor! how might you share generously and creatively, what god has shared with you?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

something thoughtfully prayerful about east and west

as i traveled down yosemite today, past the busy college parking lot, and the hustle and bustle of the day, i noticed the light dusting of the mountains with snow. last week's snow is still there! i'm dressed in shorts and a short-sleeve shirt! and when i got to the office, there was hustle and bustle here too, but no snow; wha-hoo! i love a useful church building -- busy activity means we are alive!

on my computer desk sets an article from the christian century, a bi-weekly journal to which i subscribe. i've had it setting there for a couple of weeks, just waiting for the perfect opportunity.

so today, hear a little from rodney clapp's 'american soundings; where do you pray?'. clapp shares insight from his three week adventure in egypt, some years ago. egypt is a predominately muslim country. he was talking to a sagacious priest -- i had to look that word up, honestly: meaning possessing/showing sound judgment and keen perception; wise.

this priest suggested the the difference between egypt and america could be summarized in two divergent images. "the image of america is the rocket ship, blasting off into unknown realms, going places no human has been before. america is focused on the future and always looking ahead.
"the imagine of egypt, he isaid, is the pyramids, thousands of years old and still standing in the sands outside cairo. rooted in a deep history, egypt is focused on the past and the importance of tradition."

another difference about america and egypt is our desire for information. for instance, in america, "if we want to know someones church affiliation, we ask the question, 'where do you go to church?' in egypt, people ask, 'where do you pray?'"

on this sunny autumn day surrounded by snow-dusted mountains, when we are encouraged to be 'out and open', with the concern over figuring people out and what box to put them in, in egypt people aske about our spiritual life. the question for me is about the fact that i do pray, not simply go to church.

honestly, as a pastor, i go to church all the time!!! but, where do i pray is a totally different question for me. that question might be a reminder to pray or maybe when was the last time you prayed? or even what have you discerned lately through prayer? when i am in the church building, i pray in the sanctuary, my office (a lot!), in the prayer room -- for centering prayer and other times -- in the choir room and the wesley hall. but when i am out and about, i pray at home, in my car, as i walk. i can pray anywhere; with people or just personally with god.

prayer. do we take time to listen for god in the silence. do we take time to cut through the excessive noise of our world or our minds to hear that still small voice of god? could prayer be in the conversation we're having or the conflict that is distracting us or the trouble/excitement we are invested in in that moment? prayer -- wherever two or more are gathered. we're never alone, even when we are by ourselves.

so, i do get caught up in being american; always looking ahead. but my interest in history also compels me to be a little egyptian; to see where the past informs where i may come out.

coming out in prayer ... seems like the place to be -- historically and presently and in the future. prayer must just be the thing that god has in mind for me today. how about you? where do you pray?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

the winds . . . they are a changin'

october has arrived, and as they say, "the winds . . . they are a changin'!" or, perhaps, it is just arriving home from the winds of kansas...i could see how dorothy could have been swept away to the land of oz!

the leadership institute was an experience. positive in many ways, and i am so grateful that six others from our congregation were able to participate. we came back with loads of information, and a keen awareness that there are things we need to be doing more effectively in our community of faith. this actually came as no surprise, since the reason we went was to become more aware, but none-the-less, our suitcases and heads were fuller than when we left!

one of the areas that continues to be a struggle for many within the church in general, is to 'how to be for others' rather than focusing on our wants/desires/needs. there are, at times, the need for personal focus: prayers for respite/wisdom/a spiritual infusion of grace/healing and forgiveness. however, the church, in general, has moved toward an inward focus that has left us disconnected with those whom we are to serve. we prayer for others but not with others. our language, our 'assigned pews', and services that meet 'our needs' do not always translate into a welcome for the "non-religious and nominally religious people (part of church of the resurrection's purpose statement)" of our communities.

i concluded our presentation during sunday's worship with this reflection from a church e-newsletter that was passed along from a 'church member' to someone who is 'non-religious or nominally religious'; i believe this speaks to our struggle with the church of yesteryear living today. just to help you understand better, our bible passage was from matthew 21:33-46, based on the landowner who planted a vineyard and then just left, leaving the tenants/workers to deal with all the work. we also offered the meal of new life; communion, the lord's supper; the meal adam hamilton says is the united methodist altar call -- the invitation to journey with jesus and others who have found forgiveness of misdeeds and the opportunity to live beyond ourselves through the love and grace of god.

the e-newsletter announced that 'next sunday the church would celebrate the lord's supper'. the new christian who read this notice asked two questions about this 'supper thing'; "am i invited and how much will it cost?"

truly, non-church people who are not privileged to be 'in the know' of how church works, begin to ask questions. 'can i come? how much will this supper cost?' how we good church people answer those questions determines our status as faithful tenants/workers. if we, as good church people are able to remember that the table is not ours, that we just work here, and that the vineyard belongs to god, others might join us as we "work the harvest". perhaps we wouldn't be seen as redundant, to use a british term. after all, we could use all the help we can get to share the love of jesus, no?

i'm hoping that we can find a bible passage that speaks to us and our community of merced about what god is calling us to be and do. we are not called to hold onto the story of faith as if it would a good secret meant just for us. we're invited to share the richness that god has shared with us; the harvest. there is plenty. and sharing makes the story of faith, plentiful!

some words of wisdom that came from our kansas trip, that may guide us all in the coming months....'slow down, choose carefully, trust god, and simplify my life; so that i might see clearly, listen carefully, think deeply, enjoy life fully, and serve god effectively.' why not write this phrase down on a sticky note, and place it on your mirror where you can see it every day?! why not use this as your mantra; your prayer; your slowing-down-and-living words of wisdom. i'm going to!