Thursday, September 4, 2014

i was feeling a bit . . . WICKED . . . over labor day week-end

i was feeling a bit . . . WICKED . . . over the labor day week-end.  and for the life of me, i can't imagine why!
WICKED came to san jose, and as grace would have it, someone's seat-mate cancelled, so i was the 'stand-in' to see the show!  what a treat!  i had seen the production in london during my wesley pilgrimage a few years ago; this production was equally wonderful!  it is a great story; a reminder that we can and still-do, treat people as suspect by how they look, the color of their skin (green, in this case), their viewpoints, the company they keep, and the way they conduct themselves.  the trouble is, sometimes we discover that the people we are drawn to because the 'seem' to be aligned with our values, turn out to be people for whom we disagree.
in my vast experience, relationships are something that constantly need attending to; constant conversations allow us to grow deeper with those relationships.  and, while i wish i could say i like to take people at face value, sometime i am surprised to discover that a face can have more than two sides.  sometimes we find the people we have trusted most can't be trusted; sometimes we are able to have relationships we trust for life; sometimes we discover someone we have mis-judged becomes the trusted friend we've longed to have.  life isn't simple sometimes; a simple trip down the yellow brick road doesn't always turn out to be that simple.  and i certainly don't want to spoil the end of WICKED for anyone who has yet to read the book or see the production.  i do certainly recommend both!  and then spend some time reflecting on your experience with the various relationships in your life.
my other 'wicked' experience this past week-end has to be shared in the 'confessional'!  so i'll do that now!  true confessions ... i love to spend funds that are not mine.  ok; there, i've said it!  i don't spend frivolously, or simply without thoughtful understanding.  but, when you are given a budget, staying within the limits is an important task!  so, when i was told there was a sale on shredded bark at osh this week-end ... and they would pay the sales tax, i got a little gleam in my eye!
the united methodist church of santa cruz is responding to the need of sprucing-up our flower-beds...and shredded bark will be infinitely helpful in making sure we don't waste a bit of water during this time of drought.  there are areas in our quad area where exposed dirt is look and be much more inviting with ground-covering.  and the reality is, i ended up getting probably what was needed for the project (thirty bags instead of just 20) and saved about $50.  someone did suggest that i could have saved a bunch more if i had only purchased the 20 bags instead of the 30, but that's another story!
and, i have to say, i just love having my vw cabrio for such a purpose ... put 22 bags in the car with the top down, and while people look at you strangely, some people laugh, and offer fun comments ... like 'that is worth a picture worthy of facebook'!  they didn't know i'd take that comment seriously ... so here it is on facebook!
besides all that, now i get to invite folks to come to our workday; it will be this saturday, september 5th, from 9 to noon; 250 california st.  95062 (for those who need to mapquest it).  we are between laurel and bay. 
and, who knows?!  we might go so far as to be a little bit 'wicked' and go to lunch afterwards!