it was monday.
the morning air was crisp with the feel of autumn.
the trees had begun to turn from shiny green leaves to dull-ish green, red and brown.
the chill in the air was beginning to warm by the time i came into my sub-division.
not more than 400 yards from home, it happened . . . .
i noticed that i was being followed.
happy face; winning personality.
a little puppy was tracking my steps, keeping up, and not making a sound.
poor puppy. friendly as could be, but obviously lost.
but, s/he didn't seem to mind!
s/he had found a new friend; me!!
now, you have to understand, i was not/am not looking for company; if i were, i might invest in a gold fish!
i really am an animal lover, but i am simply not at home enough.
cats are certainly independent and able to provide self-care.
dogs need to be taken care of, but welcome you when you return like a long-lost friend.
i could tell, this puppy was of the very friendly variety!
s/he would lick you to death.
s/he stayed at my feet, but not under my feet, and remained quiet as could be for the rest of our walk.
i encouraged her/him to go home, pleading with her/him that s/he simply couldn't stay.
and so s/he sat at my entry, happy as you please, for quite some time . . . (i kept checking!)
and every time i opened the door, that pup stood to greet me, happy as could be!
what's a pastor to do?
feel guilty!
and so that is what i did; all morning long, i felt guilt and worry.
now, pastors and counselors alike will tell you that guilt is a useless experience.
yes, guilt does cause you to reflect and change behavior, but i had nothing to feel guilty about....
i have this home, freely available; a postage size backyard, fenced; just the perfect size for a puppy!
i could offer a friendly home...not even paper delivery to roll up as a weapon of torment!
that was my guilt, of course.
so my guilt turned to justification....
i'm hardly home except on my day off.
and while i am close to the dog park and could easily walk there, when would we go?
this week alone, i have a meeting tuesday night, choir wednesday night and bible study thursday night.
guilt leads to justification which leads to (in)action.
and still i kept checking the door to find this cute little puppy just waiting for my undivided attention.
of course i worried about...spots on the carpet, the cost of food, shots, and doctor visits.
somewhere along with the guilt, the worry and the justification, i thought about fun-times.
my morning was spent like this!
what to do ... what to do!
so i did what every good pastor in a dilemma does; i began to bargain!
if s/he's still here n another hour...or by the time i left for the post office....
but as the morning wore on, the dogs in the neighborhood began to bark, and the city yard workers came.
and then (and i really think this is what did it!) someone came by passing out kfc flyer's!
by the time i returned to the front door just before noon, the puppy was gone.
and then, of course, i began to worry...again!
what happened to her/him?
is s/he alright?
did s/he find her/his way back home?
will they take good care of her/him; secure the house?
what if s/he got run over?
what if s/he started to follow me home again?
can't you see this was making me crazy???
of course, i knew this issue would eventually come up; it had to!
i've seen the county animal rescue truck driving through town on a regular basis.
probably working overtime!
people fleeing from their homes at night, abandoning their pets.
cats around the area; litters of kittens.
dogs, less able to care for themselves, running around, searching for food, shelter, and a friendly face.
judgment and anger.
not for the four-footed creatures, but the two-footed ones!
by nightfall, after walking the neighborhood, there was no evidence of the puppy.
no evidence this morning, either.
so, from worry to hope.
hope that s/he found the (perfect) place called home.
hope that s/he would be well cared-for and offer companionship in return.
and hope that maybe, someday, i'd be in a place to offer a place of refuge for someone...
other than, of course, just dust-bunnies!