Tuesday, October 26, 2010

what makes you come alive?

normally, meetings don't make me come alive. i like to know the agenda; do the work, and move on. of course, prayer and spiritual direction have become part of the agenda for our meeting time here in merced. and perhaps the best thing about meetings is that i get to be in relationship with people who are longing for the same vision. we may not always agree on the process, but we work towards the same goal.

so, when i ventured to an overnight meeting last week, the focus was placed on transformation. richard rohr was quoted: 'transformed people transform people'. i've lived with that statement for nearly a week, now, and it makes total sense to me; does it to you? we cannot feed strongly if we are not well fed. we cannot do our best if we are not at our best. kind of like the airlines that remind you to put your mask on first -- if there is a sudden drop in cabin air pressure, and then assist children and those around you.

on the agenda for this transformational meeting was a quote from howard thurman. i have often read many things from howard thurman, but i must have missed this one. or, it could be that i wasn't in a place to really understand it. but i was paying attention this time!

thurman wrote:

"don't ask yourself what the world needs.
ask yourself what makes you come alive, and then go do that.
because what the world needs is people who have come alive."

isn't that powerful?! during these last couple of weeks leading up to our national election, we are hearing lots of statements; we are seeing lots of finger-pointing. but there hasn't been a statement from anyone better than that quote of thurman!

so, what makes you come alive? for me, coming alive is connected to discernment. i feel my best when i have considered -- prayed, read, journaled, listened and talked, and thought. as an extrovert, i talk out my thoughts, and then i can get excited. i do seem to come alive with people around me, but i am not 'dead' when i am on my own. because, honestly, i am never totally alone. but with others, sharing ideas and reflections, do make me come alive. that, and music and milk & cookies help too!

what makes you come alive? and share a favorite quote or author if you have one.....

blessings to your week -- and do the something that makes your heart, and the heart of other, sing!

1 comment:

  1. Pastor Jay-I love your blogging-first time I have been on since I returned cuz my computer in Merced is not hooked up-What moves me are the things that fill my soul-visiting my friends who are shut-ins or older and my CATCH kids even though they make me so tired at the end of the evening-if my soul is not being fed then I cannot do the things that I feel God is calling me to do-thank-you for your ministry and even though I seem to have dropped out know that I am always there!
