Tuesday, December 29, 2015

on the fourth day of christmas . . . .

i'm not sure on which day of christmas i received this santa, but it was for sometimes during my first christmas . . . and it seems to be holding up quite well!

on this fourth day of christmas, true love gives, not a kiss, but four calling birds . . . and today in santa cruz, they would freeze!  so, perhaps, you might think of an alternative gift to share . . . .

somewhere this season, i read a comment from someone that said, 'please don't give me anything; just share peace'.  i LOVE that sentiment! 

tomorrow will mark the one year anniversary of my mom's death . . . i am marking that moment by actually spending time in 'the city' (san francisco, in this case) and celebrating christmas (finally!)  i'll take in the nutcracker, and perhaps give a nod to mom's old stomping grounds at i. magnin. 

chrismas memories abound, and each year is an opportunity to make new ones.  i no longer hold 'traditions' of how christmas 'needs to be' celebrated.  rather, i am mindful of the moment, and cherish the people for whom our paths cross.  and, in case anyone is interested, i truly believe christmas letters are FAB!  i haven't written one in a while, but i love to hear the news of folks whom i have known . . . .such letters are a reminder that our 'hopes and dreams of all the years are met in thee, tonight'!

i lit the final candle of advent, the christmas candle . . . not on christmas, when i was busy celebrating with our shelter guests and a number of the congregation, but on the third day of christmas . . . three french hens were given!  i had soup and bread, and started reading elizabeth george's latest lynley mystery, a banquet of consequences.  if you do not know her as a writer, might i suggest beginning at the beginning of her lynley novels, a great deliverance.  she's quite (appropriately) addictive!

light a candle, snuggle up with whatever (or whomever), and begin the new year with a tradition of your own!  merry and happy . . . be at peace, and spread that peace to others . . . .

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