Tuesday, July 16, 2013

moving location complete

when last i posted, i was getting ready to move from merced to santa cruz.

what a  (smooth) time i have had; very little physical issues to contend with (a broken lamp, now fixed; the challenges of getting lost and finding myself in a location i hadn't planned to visit but exploring that area as well; trying to figure out the placement of things; selling a house and settling into a parsonage) ... much more the issue of trying to deal with the emotional issues and details around leaving and moving; the saying good-byes, the changing of internet and television companies (once i moved, i even relocated my tv from one room to another, causing yet another visit -- and fee -- from the company!), and the opportunity of finding 'coolness' in the summer.

the picture to the right shows the nearly empty bookshelves of the merced office.  packing and purging.  the letting go and the spirit leading to 'all things new'.  

the most noticeable thing i experienced in this move was kindness; the sharing of a 'good' good-bye from merced; people sharing how they had grown spiritually, and wonderful celebration filled with meaningful music, good food, and unexpected gifts that will forever touch me.

and then ... the discovery of finding 'home' once again in santa cruz.  the kindness of a 'warm' welcome; being expected, being anticipated, being received.  the discovery that 'all my stuff fit' -- differently than before, yes, but fitting in a new way; a refreshing change.  the picture to the left is reflective of the santa cruz office, part of where i now call home.

people have been gracious; the discovery that i didn't have to 'go home from holiday' after the 4th of july -- all i had to do was settle in.  well, the "all" part will take a little time, mainly because i am now out of boxes, but i'm not sure where everything is!  i can function, i've completed two sunday services, and each week we have something new to see -- this week was the discovery of sky-lights!

my day off continues to be on mondays.  so, one of the things that grounds me spiritually is 'nesting'.  digging around in the yard is a way of finding my place in my new location.

so i discovered a local nursery and secured shredded redwood to work as ground-covering.  one of the advantages of having a convertible is that you can put the top down and load it up.  so, that's what i did yesterday; i can get 20 bags of ground cover in my vw cabrio.  and then the drive home.

at a stop sign, i drove up next to a woman on a bicycle who was planning to turn left.  she turned and noticed my car.  she said, 'that's a lot of dirt' ... and then began to laugh ... which caused me to laugh ... and then the signal changed and she went her way and i went my way, both still laughing.

what to do with all that dirt!!!  well, take a look below.  when all else fails, spend a little time in the dirt with god.  be refreshed; be renewed; be blessed.  moving location complete!


  1. Lovely move story. happy to see it went well. Miss seeing you.


    1. bless you, marrikay, for taking the time to read AND respond! wow!
      n and n will drop by today in her preparation for moving; i'm a 'high class/coastal storage shed'!!!

  2. Love the pictures and the stories! I was feeling badly as I had meant to finish making your yard look welcoming for you after Amber and I got all the weeds out by spreading some shredded redwood. Little did I know that you would have been deprived of gettin' down in the dirt" with God! And perhaps made you miss your wonderful story of laughing with the bike gal!
    Tonight is another free concert at the beach! And a Rainbow Girls sleepover to welcome new members, and a goodbye party for the adorable Italian boys that have joined our funny family for the last two weeks. Now, some folks would say, which one of these events will you attend? Well, of course, if you know me, the answer is all three! We will catch the first show at the beach @ 6:30-7:15, dash to the goodbye party @ 7:30,and head to the slumber party afterwards. After all, life is an adventure! Or as Mame said, "Life is a banquet and most poor fools are starving to death!"

    Love and Peace, your new gal-pal, Sherry

    1. you are such a hoot! thanks for your reflection; and remind me to get you a pair of roller-skates! bless you, and thanks for your efforts with the 'moving in' preparation!! what a help...cheers!
