Wednesday, July 31, 2013

naked lady alert (oh my!)

i can remember visiting my very proper aunt grace in the heat of a bakersfield summer.  once, when i arrived, she told me to go and look in her backyard at the naked ladies.  as i breathlessly ran to the yard at the ripe old age of 8, all i saw was the gardener and a bunch of pink lilies.

i was going to look up the proper name for these flowers, but thought i might get a porn sight, so, just settle for my aunt's name; and, as it turns out, i discovered one in the front yard of the parsonage this week ... parents be forewarned!  the santa cruz parsonage has a naked lady (but only one, with about 6 blossoms!)

my other delight this past week was the tour of university of california, santa cruz; the first class at ucsc began in 1965.  it is like being in a national park; it is huge, filled with beautiful nature, and sever wonderful pieces of artwork; the sculpture of the squiggle was created by kenney farrel as 'untitled', and sits in an area by porter college, where on a clear day you may not see forever, but you can see clear to monterey!

also in the area in the expanded library is a tribute to the grateful dead; this group's archive is housed here in a wonderful display, complete with a dvd worth viewing!  nature and academia come together to forge a perfect pair!  should a student be looking for a place to further their education, with a united methodist church near-by, uscs is well worth a look-see!

the united methodist church of santa cruz has been recovering from a fire which affected a classroom.  but because of the nature of insurance, our building is all inter-connected; with smoke damage, etc, and a connecting roof-line, we are getting a major face-lift, thanks to the insight of those within the congregation.

natural light has been added to the worship center and the fellowship hall; a new color pallet graces the neighborhood, and the worship center will be updated with new carpet, polished stone, and paint.

we are due to receive new signage as well; and because of the issue of having a parking lot that extends to the back of the building, we are adding a gate (a way of saying, nicely perhaps, that is really is a place of sanctuary and safety; so please keep it available to everyone to enjoy.

on our 17th street property, gardens grow, but weed abatement continues to be a need.  so occasional work-days are called, and if you'd like to join in the fun and help provide a happier neighborhood, come join us at 9 am on saturday, august 10th.  no previous experience is required; bringing gloves, shovels, a good sense of humor, and other yard-cleaning equipment is encouraged, but not mandatory.

and if you know of someone desiring to be a part of this garden project, invite them to contact us; members of our congregation are invited to sponsor one other person; it is a great way to be engaged with other christians on our collective journey of faith, and a creative way to grow organic produce.

you can reach our website through, or by calling the office and leaving a message at (831) 429-6800.

one of the final outdoor projects is being completed at the california street property this week; a new parking lot!  i am constantly amazed to discover the persistence of our over-seer to this project, and the skill he has making sure the work is done on or before time, under-budget, and with the quality that will last for years to come.

now, trying to work while others are working can be a challenge, as the noise level at times can be distracting ... partly because i am curious about what's going on.

but when the noise becomes overwhelming, the sun beckons and the sound of the waves calleth.  so, off i go to explore another area of santa cruz, or visit a community ministry or someone in the hospital.  of course there is always housework and working in the yard, but those naked ladies will just have to wait!   

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

it never rains in california

so i got up one morning this week, and picked up my soggy newspaper before i went for my walk; it seems it DOES actually rain in california; even in santa cruz -- even in the banana belt -- that part of santa cruz where i live!  where i live and where i serve have two distinct weather patters -- and they are just mintes apart from each other.

my recommendation:  take in the beauty of the fragrance after it rains.  omg; there is a purple magnolia tree in my neighborhood, and the sweet smell of star-jasmine; salt air and redwood.  beauty is everywhere, and you can help california stay 'green' by making sure you do not waste your water (stop washing down your sidewalk!), recycle or re-use or figure out a way not to waste.  just sayin' -- the base price for a paper sack in our area is 10 cents ... but i was in marshall's the other day and over-heard the price of 25 cents!  be spiritually aware; it just makes good 'cents'!  remember to keep your re-usable bags in your truck; you never know when you'll stop for fresh fruit and veggies!

while on that walk, i got to thinking ... what are the things one needs to remember when coming to california in the summer?  the first is, don't listen to the travel agents about packing!  always carry a jacket and dress in layers; long pants in the am; shorts in the afternoon; long pants in the pm.  the ocean is COLD.  keep it that simple; travel light; and smile a lot!  and remember to pack and use (!) your sun-screen, 30+ or higher, and bring your tennis shoes and flip-flops.  do i sound like i've moved to a coastal town?!  be spiritually aware; be caring for yourself and for others.

remember to take some reading material along wherever you go; but even better than that, people watch! you can learn so much by observation.  be spiritually aware; ask yourself if the behaviors you observe are the kinds of behaviors you want to replicate.   someone from the congregation who surf's shared an insight about beaches -- how people choose to leave their garbage behind when they leave (including the things animals leave behind!) -- i suspect we can be much better about 'taking care', in that spiritual sense.  the book i've just finished by the way, is about a young child who grows into adulthood, and her journey; very compelling. why not 'check it out'?!  "the flight of gemma hardy" by margot livesey.

romance must be in the air; i just received a call (literally) from a couple planning to get married in a couple of weeks from out-of-state; they had tried to track down their youth pastor from years ago, but had no luck.  and so i got the call; was i available, would i be their pastor; what an honor!  ironically, i have gotten a call this week as well do perform my nephew's wedding in october.  both weddings will NOT be in a church.  that has become the trend.  but we at the united methodist church of santa cruz are working to fix up our building and are keeping brides and grooms in mind as we make ready our worship center.  while couples may not always think about 'a big church wedding', some people still do, even if they do not go to church!  so, we are making ready for those couples not yet here.  we are seeking to be spiritually aware, and we welcome you and those you know to help us share the news:  you are welcome here -- even if you might not be 'all that traditional'; after all, we are california, and now we REALLY have something to celebrate!

finally, for the state that NEVER sees rain in the summer (oddly, however, we have seen a bit.  at least three times so far in the last two months ...) . while preparing for your summer trip, remember never to leave home without your sense of spiritual openness.  what might god have in store for you as you journey forth?  what adventure will you encounter?  are you prepared to be touched, wowed, awed, changed?  will your every moment be filled with possibilities?  will you intentionally be looking for ways to be renewed, as well as opportunities to make a difference?  as you return home, do you plan to be the same person who left home, or will the experience of your 'adventure' change your future?

of course, you don't have to go very far to be 'spiritually changed'; you could just walk out your front door to retrieve your newspaper -- only to discover that it is soaking wet -- in the middle of summer!!  try not to be annoyed; you can read the news on line!  but you can't get back the time you've wasted on non-renewable spiritual living!  be spiritually aware in this moment and in your times ahead; be open to the possibilities . . . .

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

moving location complete

when last i posted, i was getting ready to move from merced to santa cruz.

what a  (smooth) time i have had; very little physical issues to contend with (a broken lamp, now fixed; the challenges of getting lost and finding myself in a location i hadn't planned to visit but exploring that area as well; trying to figure out the placement of things; selling a house and settling into a parsonage) ... much more the issue of trying to deal with the emotional issues and details around leaving and moving; the saying good-byes, the changing of internet and television companies (once i moved, i even relocated my tv from one room to another, causing yet another visit -- and fee -- from the company!), and the opportunity of finding 'coolness' in the summer.

the picture to the right shows the nearly empty bookshelves of the merced office.  packing and purging.  the letting go and the spirit leading to 'all things new'.  

the most noticeable thing i experienced in this move was kindness; the sharing of a 'good' good-bye from merced; people sharing how they had grown spiritually, and wonderful celebration filled with meaningful music, good food, and unexpected gifts that will forever touch me.

and then ... the discovery of finding 'home' once again in santa cruz.  the kindness of a 'warm' welcome; being expected, being anticipated, being received.  the discovery that 'all my stuff fit' -- differently than before, yes, but fitting in a new way; a refreshing change.  the picture to the left is reflective of the santa cruz office, part of where i now call home.

people have been gracious; the discovery that i didn't have to 'go home from holiday' after the 4th of july -- all i had to do was settle in.  well, the "all" part will take a little time, mainly because i am now out of boxes, but i'm not sure where everything is!  i can function, i've completed two sunday services, and each week we have something new to see -- this week was the discovery of sky-lights!

my day off continues to be on mondays.  so, one of the things that grounds me spiritually is 'nesting'.  digging around in the yard is a way of finding my place in my new location.

so i discovered a local nursery and secured shredded redwood to work as ground-covering.  one of the advantages of having a convertible is that you can put the top down and load it up.  so, that's what i did yesterday; i can get 20 bags of ground cover in my vw cabrio.  and then the drive home.

at a stop sign, i drove up next to a woman on a bicycle who was planning to turn left.  she turned and noticed my car.  she said, 'that's a lot of dirt' ... and then began to laugh ... which caused me to laugh ... and then the signal changed and she went her way and i went my way, both still laughing.

what to do with all that dirt!!!  well, take a look below.  when all else fails, spend a little time in the dirt with god.  be refreshed; be renewed; be blessed.  moving location complete!