Tuesday, February 12, 2013

not just any tuesday!

i just returned from a gathering of clergy.  so, what else does a group like this talk about on the day before lent begins, but...well, 'church stuff'.

on the drive home, a conversation about the following link (below) left me with a questioning look.  so someone got on his phone, and found this link.  it is well worth taking a few moments to view.  as i now say, 'church shares it all'. 

since this is not just any tuesday, please take a moment to view why it isn't just another tuesday in your life.

feel free to share this with others...and before the sun sets on this day, be sure and enjoy a pancake!  jelly beans are optional, but don't skip the chocolate chips!

blessings and honor in the days ahead before easter.  each day, please make a difference in someone else's life.


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