i've been remiss in not blogging . . . . so, 'tis the season, so we say! why not, on friday the 13th; as good a day as any!
i'm basically settled in santa cruz; after all, it has been nearly six months, and all the boxes are neatly stacked away, so it was time to decorate for christmas. i haven't put up a tree since my first year in merced; the santa cruz parsonage has the absolute perfect picture window for a tree, so, i'm happy to report that all my christmas items arrived without any issue!
you'll note, however, that that 'white stuff' on the roof is NOT snow; we've had a cold spell here; down to 26 on a couple of mornings i've gone out walking. and yet the days have been sunny and warming into the 60's; we may even hit the 70's!
one of the realizations when you reach 55 is that you are considered a 'senior'; i can purchase a weekly sack of food from the gray bears for $25 a year -- i haven't yet -- and i can get into holiday concerts at a discount -- my first discounted concert is tonight!
the other realization at 55 is that there are lots of memories connected with the holidays. on the stereo in this picture to the left is my childhood pinocchio; i also have a little stuffed santa that is my age! so christmas is filled with many emotions, and if i can adapt on of the christmas jingles, i believe it is good to 'let them flow, let them flow, let them flow....'
our focus this year at the united methodist church of santa cruz is 'light'. our tree has more lights than usual, i believe, because i was the 'stringer of the lights' and i like lots of lights on a tree -- i suspect you couldn't tell! the ornaments are old-time candles, and people were invited to write their christmas prayer, their hopes and dreams for the season, before placing them on the tree.
so we keep exploring the concept of light this advent season as we prepare for thee light to brighten our world on christmas. it is my hope that your hopes and dreams of all the year may be met on that christmas night. we certainly invite you to join us on christmas eve as we light the way of peace this year; our service of carols and light begins at 7 pm. invite someone to share the light of jesus this year on christmas, and keep that glow, going, throughout the new year!
and, of course, it wouldn't be a trip down memory lane if i didn't share a picture of the boardwalk ... when i visited santa cruz in my youth, it was a day trip; i had no idea there was an actual town here! we'd fly down 'blood alley' (highway 17 as we called it back then) and come onto ocean street and be directed to the parking lot. when we heard about the earthquake in '89, and the downtown being hit hard, it was confusing, as we had no idea there was a 'downtown'.
santa cruz is more than the boardwalk; it is now, for me, community! light has dawned in the years since my youth, and i've grown to appreciate the depth and breath of this community. yes, the beach-boardwalk has matured, and the community is more than simply ocean street heading to the big parking lot.
so come to the beach at the oddest time of the year; see the light of christmas shine forth this year, with your hopes and dreams; let the light of a stirring sunrise enliven your passion for working toward peace and justice in the year(s) ahead. and let the light of jesus shine in and through you. the world is longing for that light; the world is longing for the jesus in you to meet the jesus in them.
imagine a silent night ... a holy night ... where all is calm ... where all is bright. may this be the year when the light truly shines and is never diminished!
merry and happy . . . .
Friday, December 13, 2013
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
"and then it was ... done ...."
october first has arrived, and with it, some news....
let me begin from sunday. the autumn, in the life of a united methodist church pastor, revolves around stewardship and annual meetings, not to mention planning for advent and christmas!
part of that planning time involves other people; this year being in a new church setting, i gathered our nominating team, and we gathered to have conversation and a meal together. yes! chinese food! and following a good meal, there is the 'sharing of fortune'.
in the 'worth keeping' category, came this fortune: "all personal breakthroughs begin with a change in beliefs".
spend some times with that thought ... what are some personal issues that you have struggled with in your lifetime that changed when you looked at the issue from another perspective? how did that happen? did you talk it over with someone; did you simply give yourself time to think about the issue differently? did you experience something that made you think about that issue, differently? did the situation change suddenly?
from my own experience, i have found that focusing on an issue intently often brings me to a block. when i feel blocked, i then know it is time for me to let it rest for awhile. this still holds true for me: when i was growing up, often i would hit a wall and not be able to figure out a solution, and so i'd just go to bed! for many, struggling with an issue led to sleep-less-ness! not for me; when something weighs heavily on my mind, i sleep better than ever, and in the morning, most often, i'd wake up refreshed and with "thee" answer!
sometimes a change in beliefs means simply that i have to change/adjust/adapt MY beliefs. we often hold our thought process as optimal, when, in reality, they are often only one option. so, it 'fortune' came to me at a 'fortunate' time.
and here's why! on monday, october first, my lovely home in merced closed in a short sale; it was recorded, and a couple who fell in love with it, is moving in. i've had so many thoughts and emotions about the situation and the reality that led me to not only purchase the house, but have to leave it.
since moving from merced to santa cruz, and getting back into 'parsonage living' once again, i've grieved and wrestled with what it means to 'let go' -- especially letting go of things we cannot be in control of any longer. while some may say, 'there's a plan about this', i can't imagine anyone intentionally planning to have to lose their home.
but having another couple move in, while at one time may have angered me, actually thrills me, for that house has been sitting vacant for three months. now it will be filled with new sights and sounds; laughter and tears. and i am released to the ties to something that is no longer and cannot any longer be mine. it has been a drain these last few months, financially and energy-wise. and today, while i am no longer a home-owner, i am released to move forward; freed to live into a new adventure, unencumbered.
an emotional burden is lifted, and i feel lighter; these three months, like the fortune cookie said, was somewhat of a drain. but today, i've had a personal breakthrough. i am able to begin anew. i've slept the best i have in weeks, last night. an unfortunate incidence has been completed; i've been dealing with it (as have a number of others) ... and then it was ... done. a new opportunity has begun.
what lies ahead .........
let me begin from sunday. the autumn, in the life of a united methodist church pastor, revolves around stewardship and annual meetings, not to mention planning for advent and christmas!
part of that planning time involves other people; this year being in a new church setting, i gathered our nominating team, and we gathered to have conversation and a meal together. yes! chinese food! and following a good meal, there is the 'sharing of fortune'.
in the 'worth keeping' category, came this fortune: "all personal breakthroughs begin with a change in beliefs".
spend some times with that thought ... what are some personal issues that you have struggled with in your lifetime that changed when you looked at the issue from another perspective? how did that happen? did you talk it over with someone; did you simply give yourself time to think about the issue differently? did you experience something that made you think about that issue, differently? did the situation change suddenly?
from my own experience, i have found that focusing on an issue intently often brings me to a block. when i feel blocked, i then know it is time for me to let it rest for awhile. this still holds true for me: when i was growing up, often i would hit a wall and not be able to figure out a solution, and so i'd just go to bed! for many, struggling with an issue led to sleep-less-ness! not for me; when something weighs heavily on my mind, i sleep better than ever, and in the morning, most often, i'd wake up refreshed and with "thee" answer!
sometimes a change in beliefs means simply that i have to change/adjust/adapt MY beliefs. we often hold our thought process as optimal, when, in reality, they are often only one option. so, it 'fortune' came to me at a 'fortunate' time.
and here's why! on monday, october first, my lovely home in merced closed in a short sale; it was recorded, and a couple who fell in love with it, is moving in. i've had so many thoughts and emotions about the situation and the reality that led me to not only purchase the house, but have to leave it.
since moving from merced to santa cruz, and getting back into 'parsonage living' once again, i've grieved and wrestled with what it means to 'let go' -- especially letting go of things we cannot be in control of any longer. while some may say, 'there's a plan about this', i can't imagine anyone intentionally planning to have to lose their home.
but having another couple move in, while at one time may have angered me, actually thrills me, for that house has been sitting vacant for three months. now it will be filled with new sights and sounds; laughter and tears. and i am released to the ties to something that is no longer and cannot any longer be mine. it has been a drain these last few months, financially and energy-wise. and today, while i am no longer a home-owner, i am released to move forward; freed to live into a new adventure, unencumbered.
an emotional burden is lifted, and i feel lighter; these three months, like the fortune cookie said, was somewhat of a drain. but today, i've had a personal breakthrough. i am able to begin anew. i've slept the best i have in weeks, last night. an unfortunate incidence has been completed; i've been dealing with it (as have a number of others) ... and then it was ... done. a new opportunity has begun.
what lies ahead .........
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
a day (off) in the life of . . . .
a day off; nothing special, except, it WAS special; it prepared me for today . . . .
i got up and attended to house chores; the front- and back-yards needed tending; followed by laundry, cleaning, soup-making; filing and reconciling . . . does this sound familiar? it isn't my regular day-off pattern; i try to do something renewing, and chores are not at the top of my list -- imagine!
and yet, i found myself somehow comforted in the 'doing'; so much so that by 3:30, i was so ready to be done with my chores and headed off for a renewing walk on west cliff dr.
what i saw: they are repairing the walkway down to the beach (repairs reminded me too much of my life at church, and so i walked on! -- but not before i noticed the insignia placed on the side of the stairwell -- the word 'open' over a mosaic red heart; ok, it made me think of my life at church again, but in a different way; ok, so i'm always thinking about my church life; the difference between my life as a pastor and my life as a person is difficult to turn off, but maybe that's the 'god thing' in me; i'm never far away from who i am meant to be! and that's not a negative in my estimation!)
what i saw: a number of people walking the way; biking, running, walking, skating; dogs, a bird (how DOES one walk a bird?!) leisurely, driven, communal; this was a beautiful monday to be out and about! and still, what i came across was a memory.
having grown up in daly city, i seemed to always be surrounded by ice plants, yet i rarely saw them in bloom. my elementary school, thomas edison (now combined with the twin school next door to form a middle/junior high school) was surrounded by an ice plant hill. perhaps we had too much fog, and not enough sun for the plants to bloom, but here in santa cruz, blossoms galore! big, pale yellow blossoms, mostly.
there is nothing like a day which allows one to remember and reflect. while i would not like to re-live even one of my childhood days (unlike emily in thornton wilder's our town ) my memories yesterday focused on some of those happy times; is there at least one happy memory from your past that made all the difference in the world?!
and i experienced more than a sense of renewal as i awoke this morning. and then, following my small group encounter, i got a call from someone that shared a poem from mary oliver, entitled the summer day for which, here in santa cruz, we are experiencing today! i found that poem on garrison keillor's 'the writer's almanac' website. might this reflect such a day as this? it reads,
Who made the world? Who made the swan, and the black bear?
Who made the grasshopper? This grasshopper, I mean—
the one who has flung herself out of the grass, the one who is eating sugar out of my hand,
who is moving her jaws back and forth instead of up and down—
who is gazing around with her enormous and complicated eyes.
Now she lifts her pale forearms and thoroughly washes her face.
Now she snaps her wings open, and floats away.
I don't know exactly what a prayer is.
I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down into the grass,
i got up and attended to house chores; the front- and back-yards needed tending; followed by laundry, cleaning, soup-making; filing and reconciling . . . does this sound familiar? it isn't my regular day-off pattern; i try to do something renewing, and chores are not at the top of my list -- imagine!
and yet, i found myself somehow comforted in the 'doing'; so much so that by 3:30, i was so ready to be done with my chores and headed off for a renewing walk on west cliff dr.
what i saw: they are repairing the walkway down to the beach (repairs reminded me too much of my life at church, and so i walked on! -- but not before i noticed the insignia placed on the side of the stairwell -- the word 'open' over a mosaic red heart; ok, it made me think of my life at church again, but in a different way; ok, so i'm always thinking about my church life; the difference between my life as a pastor and my life as a person is difficult to turn off, but maybe that's the 'god thing' in me; i'm never far away from who i am meant to be! and that's not a negative in my estimation!)
what i saw: a number of people walking the way; biking, running, walking, skating; dogs, a bird (how DOES one walk a bird?!) leisurely, driven, communal; this was a beautiful monday to be out and about! and still, what i came across was a memory.
having grown up in daly city, i seemed to always be surrounded by ice plants, yet i rarely saw them in bloom. my elementary school, thomas edison (now combined with the twin school next door to form a middle/junior high school) was surrounded by an ice plant hill. perhaps we had too much fog, and not enough sun for the plants to bloom, but here in santa cruz, blossoms galore! big, pale yellow blossoms, mostly.
there is nothing like a day which allows one to remember and reflect. while i would not like to re-live even one of my childhood days (unlike emily in thornton wilder's our town ) my memories yesterday focused on some of those happy times; is there at least one happy memory from your past that made all the difference in the world?!
and i experienced more than a sense of renewal as i awoke this morning. and then, following my small group encounter, i got a call from someone that shared a poem from mary oliver, entitled the summer day for which, here in santa cruz, we are experiencing today! i found that poem on garrison keillor's 'the writer's almanac' website. might this reflect such a day as this? it reads,
Who made the world? Who made the swan, and the black bear?
Who made the grasshopper? This grasshopper, I mean—
the one who has flung herself out of the grass, the one who is eating sugar out of my hand,
who is moving her jaws back and forth instead of up and down—
who is gazing around with her enormous and complicated eyes.
Now she lifts her pale forearms and thoroughly washes her face.
Now she snaps her wings open, and floats away.
I don't know exactly what a prayer is.
I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down into the grass,
how to kneel down in the grass, how to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields,
which is what I have been doing all day.
Tell me, what else should I have done?
Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon?
Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
which is what I have been doing all day.
Tell me, what else should I have done?
Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon?
Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
and life is very good . . . .
it began as a day like no other; the birth of a new day, perhaps like my birth 55 years ago, although i suspect my mom wouldn't feel that way!
and so i begin this reflection on the day before; i suspect when the labor began, but i cannot guarantee that information at the moment, was only a memory when the labor pains ceased.
and so last night i took my time to return home by way of west cliff; just beyond swift, where i usually stop to watch, to read, and to walk. ironically, the parking spaces were full, as the whales (and their watchers) were out in abundance.
as sunset began, the moon shone as a glimmer on the ocean; the reflection of light and life; the beginning and the ending can be seen in this moment of the day . . . .
and so, as you move clockwise on that shoreline, you come to another part of the sky, between the rising moon and the setting sun . . . .
in-between those two lights, the sky is filled with birds . . . not to be confused with 'for the birds', but the unmistakable movement of various bird clusters as they come and go and return.
of course, the most active flight of the birds is the pelican, in constant search of food; the reward of that unrelenting search. but these birds in flight to your left are not pelicans, but remain in formation; they move to and fro over the waters between the greater and the lesser light.
unlike our perception that the pacific always points us west, you will note that the rising of the moon and the setting of the sun in the next picture leaves santa cruz facing north/south, not east/west.
and so we turn our sights closer to this day; the setting sun.
the wave forms, giving this part of the cliff much more interesting views. imagine living on the cliff where you could see the rising and the setting of life every day. the sound of the birds as they communicate to one another. the ebb and the flow of the water; the sound of the crash against the shore; the renewing of each moment with the freshness of that new moment, filled with possibilities.
when i awoke this morning and walked and readied myself for this celebration of 55 years, i had no idea that my anticipation of the day ahead would be overtaken by the breaking of my car door-locks; over and over again as i tried to enter my car, the alarm would sound and the door locks malfunction. when aaa arrived some three hours later, last night's sunset was a memory, and my focus became how to attend to my day, now so muddled.
each moment begins with a new possibility of light! after a time of labor, my 56th year begins, and my experience began with a gift -- the virtues of being in a small group remind me i was prepared for even before i got started this morning; someone shared about the light of this 'birth'day with my group; and so my group at 'the abbey' became a new kind of light for me: a cupcake from 'the buttery', with a card which read, "you're not really old till you pick up the remote control . . . hold it to your ear and wait for a dial tone."
and so it goes . . . my car is in the shop; i am at home attending to my day, i have been wished well by many people far and wide; the light is bright overhead; i am grateful to be here, and life -- with all it's complications -- is very good.
and so i begin this reflection on the day before; i suspect when the labor began, but i cannot guarantee that information at the moment, was only a memory when the labor pains ceased.
and so last night i took my time to return home by way of west cliff; just beyond swift, where i usually stop to watch, to read, and to walk. ironically, the parking spaces were full, as the whales (and their watchers) were out in abundance.
as sunset began, the moon shone as a glimmer on the ocean; the reflection of light and life; the beginning and the ending can be seen in this moment of the day . . . .
and so, as you move clockwise on that shoreline, you come to another part of the sky, between the rising moon and the setting sun . . . .
in-between those two lights, the sky is filled with birds . . . not to be confused with 'for the birds', but the unmistakable movement of various bird clusters as they come and go and return.
of course, the most active flight of the birds is the pelican, in constant search of food; the reward of that unrelenting search. but these birds in flight to your left are not pelicans, but remain in formation; they move to and fro over the waters between the greater and the lesser light.
unlike our perception that the pacific always points us west, you will note that the rising of the moon and the setting of the sun in the next picture leaves santa cruz facing north/south, not east/west.
and so we turn our sights closer to this day; the setting sun.
the wave forms, giving this part of the cliff much more interesting views. imagine living on the cliff where you could see the rising and the setting of life every day. the sound of the birds as they communicate to one another. the ebb and the flow of the water; the sound of the crash against the shore; the renewing of each moment with the freshness of that new moment, filled with possibilities.
when i awoke this morning and walked and readied myself for this celebration of 55 years, i had no idea that my anticipation of the day ahead would be overtaken by the breaking of my car door-locks; over and over again as i tried to enter my car, the alarm would sound and the door locks malfunction. when aaa arrived some three hours later, last night's sunset was a memory, and my focus became how to attend to my day, now so muddled.
each moment begins with a new possibility of light! after a time of labor, my 56th year begins, and my experience began with a gift -- the virtues of being in a small group remind me i was prepared for even before i got started this morning; someone shared about the light of this 'birth'day with my group; and so my group at 'the abbey' became a new kind of light for me: a cupcake from 'the buttery', with a card which read, "you're not really old till you pick up the remote control . . . hold it to your ear and wait for a dial tone."
and so it goes . . . my car is in the shop; i am at home attending to my day, i have been wished well by many people far and wide; the light is bright overhead; i am grateful to be here, and life -- with all it's complications -- is very good.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
wedding surf in big sur
changes on the coast, like changes in our lives, happen suddenly and in an instant.
we never known when we might discover the best possible moment; a photo, a chance meeting, an unexpected opportunity ... are we prepared, are we ready, are we willing . . . .
this week-end i experienced a wedding in big sur, an area of california i hadn't really explored before. i didn't exactly get lost, but i never found the wedding rehearsal or the dinner. but the coast was a picture!
the fog began to roll in, as it does on the coast; feeling at a loss for directions, a managed to make my way back and forth and back and forth; ever feel like that?! you get just to the edge, and suddenly, you are just not quite there.
fortunately, that was friday, and the wedding wasn't until saturday at 5. what is a pastor to do? pack it in for the day, and start over again in the morning? you bet 'cha! so that's what i did.
but never pass up the opportunity to find the light in the haze or the movement of the ebb and flow of life.
in the midst of the rocks is an answer to the where and the why. if we do not stop to contemplate, then we may never know the true extent of the mystery. take that extra moment, and be open to the possibilities, even when plans don't go as, well . . . planned!
saturday arrived in big sur, and no matter what, i was going to find the location of that wedding! with all our gps systems in place, one reality rings true on the coast of big sur . . . . the words "no service" are seen a lot! so the best way to go is the old fashioned way ... get an address!
OH! there it is; i'd passed this spot several times on my adventure; do you ever do that?! and then suddenly, as if out of a fog, there it is; the beauty and elegance of "the right place".
and this wedding location, like the couple themselves, was 'the perfect combination of beauty and elegance; simple and down to earth, and nothing could be better! by 12:30, i knew where i was to be by five; and i made it there in plenty of time; to prove it, i captured the sun as it reflected on the surf. like a mirror disturbed only by the whale spouting some water, and the ripples of the tide.
nearby the 'wind and sea', was the perfect place to wait out until 3:30.
and so i read; i am on the second mystery by barbara corrado pope, entitled the blood of lorraine. i have my new library card, and i'm using it! pope's mysteries take place in france, and this one deals with anti-semitism; the main character is the magistrate bernard martin. the first book in the series was cezanne's quarry, and it is easy to get 'hooked'; in this way i get to be an 'armchair adventurer. reading on the coast was ideal!
following the wedding, as the dancing was just about to begin, i left, leaving the women to change into flip-flops for the occasion; dancing in high-heals my be fashionable, but not on gravel! and so highway 1 beacon-ed to me. as i left the sun of big sur, i watched as the fog rolled in over the surf once again, but this time, engulfing the industrial works that sat atop a land-mass.
i thought of kellie and tom as they began their new life together; how we never know what might come in our path; and chances are, that path will change hundreds of times over the course of their developing relationship.
and yet, they have the journey ahead of them before the sunset.
the adventure is just beginning in a relationship filled with possibilities. the light shines, and the night has yet to consume it!
we never known when we might discover the best possible moment; a photo, a chance meeting, an unexpected opportunity ... are we prepared, are we ready, are we willing . . . .
this week-end i experienced a wedding in big sur, an area of california i hadn't really explored before. i didn't exactly get lost, but i never found the wedding rehearsal or the dinner. but the coast was a picture!
the fog began to roll in, as it does on the coast; feeling at a loss for directions, a managed to make my way back and forth and back and forth; ever feel like that?! you get just to the edge, and suddenly, you are just not quite there.
fortunately, that was friday, and the wedding wasn't until saturday at 5. what is a pastor to do? pack it in for the day, and start over again in the morning? you bet 'cha! so that's what i did.
but never pass up the opportunity to find the light in the haze or the movement of the ebb and flow of life.
in the midst of the rocks is an answer to the where and the why. if we do not stop to contemplate, then we may never know the true extent of the mystery. take that extra moment, and be open to the possibilities, even when plans don't go as, well . . . planned!
saturday arrived in big sur, and no matter what, i was going to find the location of that wedding! with all our gps systems in place, one reality rings true on the coast of big sur . . . . the words "no service" are seen a lot! so the best way to go is the old fashioned way ... get an address!
OH! there it is; i'd passed this spot several times on my adventure; do you ever do that?! and then suddenly, as if out of a fog, there it is; the beauty and elegance of "the right place".
and this wedding location, like the couple themselves, was 'the perfect combination of beauty and elegance; simple and down to earth, and nothing could be better! by 12:30, i knew where i was to be by five; and i made it there in plenty of time; to prove it, i captured the sun as it reflected on the surf. like a mirror disturbed only by the whale spouting some water, and the ripples of the tide.
nearby the 'wind and sea', was the perfect place to wait out until 3:30.
and so i read; i am on the second mystery by barbara corrado pope, entitled the blood of lorraine. i have my new library card, and i'm using it! pope's mysteries take place in france, and this one deals with anti-semitism; the main character is the magistrate bernard martin. the first book in the series was cezanne's quarry, and it is easy to get 'hooked'; in this way i get to be an 'armchair adventurer. reading on the coast was ideal!
following the wedding, as the dancing was just about to begin, i left, leaving the women to change into flip-flops for the occasion; dancing in high-heals my be fashionable, but not on gravel! and so highway 1 beacon-ed to me. as i left the sun of big sur, i watched as the fog rolled in over the surf once again, but this time, engulfing the industrial works that sat atop a land-mass.
i thought of kellie and tom as they began their new life together; how we never know what might come in our path; and chances are, that path will change hundreds of times over the course of their developing relationship.
and yet, they have the journey ahead of them before the sunset.
the adventure is just beginning in a relationship filled with possibilities. the light shines, and the night has yet to consume it!
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
getting away from the computer
so i was told last week that i spend too much time at my desk, and that i need to get up and get out and about, so i don't get overtaken by my computer!
so, i found la barranca park, just a stone's throw from the church property, that is a little walking path down bay st. this is a wonderful little planned path adjacent to the sidewalk by the water treatment plant. it is a little refuge set aside to honor italian-american contributions to santa cruz county.
there are lots of benches! the one to the right was given as 'a resting place for the weary'; it is a perfect place to bring your lunch and literally watch the world go by. i have to say, santa cruz is a place where you slow down; you don't rush, and you let things happen. watching the world go by, be it on a bench or in your car (summer is the time to admire the dust collected on your dashboard while you creep through traffic!), is truly a part of the character of this community. what a delight!
i loved this little sailor on the path, pictured on your left. as one might suspect on the coast, fishing is one of the stables for this area. i've decided to decorate my bedroom/bath in this theme; it isn't to hard to come up with things to make it look like i'm on the beach! it really is a refuge, and a renewing space.
but this sculpture also reminds me what it is like to work hard at your livelihood, and then to rest from your labors. the sea is rugged and can be unpredictable, and this reminded me how attentive to live around us we have to be; paying attention also as we relax.
in that way, santa cruz is a very spiritual place to be; a reminder that there is a time for working hard to survive, and a needed time to be finding a place for renewal. it is important, as i watch those who fish, to be very prepared for the unexpected; even as you watch the surfers, it is the thrill of the moment, even as one is prepared for the risk. being prepared takes place before you begin, as well as being attentive in the midst of what you are doing! as i say, this is a very spiritual reminder of how we are to live our lives; preparing oneself for living in the moment.
so, this is a place where you can find renewal and grow. one can also get lost here, but i believe the spirit is very inviting here. lots of places to sit and find the sacred that is deep within us, as well as right on the surface! one of the other benches i loved is below, in memory of one who wanted to go back to sea ... and is now there. it reminded me of paul's words in his first letter to the church in corinth (the 13th chapter) where he talks about how we only see dimly now, but eventually we will understand life fully, in the end. i can live with that, even though i'd like to know everything right now!
and so another week begins ... how will you find rest; how will you grow; and what will you find as you get away from your computer?
so, i found la barranca park, just a stone's throw from the church property, that is a little walking path down bay st. this is a wonderful little planned path adjacent to the sidewalk by the water treatment plant. it is a little refuge set aside to honor italian-american contributions to santa cruz county.
there are lots of benches! the one to the right was given as 'a resting place for the weary'; it is a perfect place to bring your lunch and literally watch the world go by. i have to say, santa cruz is a place where you slow down; you don't rush, and you let things happen. watching the world go by, be it on a bench or in your car (summer is the time to admire the dust collected on your dashboard while you creep through traffic!), is truly a part of the character of this community. what a delight!
i loved this little sailor on the path, pictured on your left. as one might suspect on the coast, fishing is one of the stables for this area. i've decided to decorate my bedroom/bath in this theme; it isn't to hard to come up with things to make it look like i'm on the beach! it really is a refuge, and a renewing space.
but this sculpture also reminds me what it is like to work hard at your livelihood, and then to rest from your labors. the sea is rugged and can be unpredictable, and this reminded me how attentive to live around us we have to be; paying attention also as we relax.
in that way, santa cruz is a very spiritual place to be; a reminder that there is a time for working hard to survive, and a needed time to be finding a place for renewal. it is important, as i watch those who fish, to be very prepared for the unexpected; even as you watch the surfers, it is the thrill of the moment, even as one is prepared for the risk. being prepared takes place before you begin, as well as being attentive in the midst of what you are doing! as i say, this is a very spiritual reminder of how we are to live our lives; preparing oneself for living in the moment.
so, this is a place where you can find renewal and grow. one can also get lost here, but i believe the spirit is very inviting here. lots of places to sit and find the sacred that is deep within us, as well as right on the surface! one of the other benches i loved is below, in memory of one who wanted to go back to sea ... and is now there. it reminded me of paul's words in his first letter to the church in corinth (the 13th chapter) where he talks about how we only see dimly now, but eventually we will understand life fully, in the end. i can live with that, even though i'd like to know everything right now!
and so another week begins ... how will you find rest; how will you grow; and what will you find as you get away from your computer?
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
through the years . . . .
if this shore of west cliff drive in santa cruz could talk ... i wonder what it would say? certainly, through the years, the number of people who have surfed and swam, walked, cycled, skated this patch of land, as well as simply sat and watched/meditated/shared a prayer, must mount into the millions....
through the years, the dreams that were shared, the conversations that occurred, and the promises made on this spot must have evoked a sense of intimacy and promise; the letting go and the starting over; the confessions and the new beginnings -- such a place as this is the collection of wisdom and memories. the footsteps across this land represent a yearning, i believe, which speaks of hope and possibilities and the letting go of hurts and failures, allowing us to begin anew with renewing freshness.
such is the opportunity of life with god; grace, we call it . . . .
in this warm and loving 1910/11 west cliff drive house, the darlings have made a home. in and out of their doors, through the years, individuals have come and gone and returned again to find renewal and the gift of hospitality. such a gift was offered once again on monday evening as darrell and karen and their family welcomed the community into their home (also a vibrant bed and breakfast) in a time of celebration.
through the years this generous couple has offered a home away from home. and monday evening, the years culminated with a loving tribute.
beginning life together before their teenage years, karen and darrell celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary in a contemporary way -- by inviting others to share in their happiness of love -- in particular, inviting couples who previously had been denied the opportunity to fully express their love legally; specifically same gender couples.
on this beautiful evening in santa cruz, the darlings opened their home and their celebration to others, remembering the time as the cake says, 'when we were young and gay'. couples shared their love stories as did darrell and karen; and, in typical united methodist fashion, a delightful pot-luck was shared by all. romantic music, the sound of the ocean, and delightful conversation rounded out the evening.
through the years, viewpoints have changed about a variety of subjects -- the rights of certain women and men to be citizens; the rights of people of color to be fully accepted (including marriage to whom they loved), the rights of women and people of color to vote, and now the recognition of the lgbtqi community!
sunday during worship we sang 'lift every voice and sing' ... the on-going discussion now confronting us is making room at the table for the genuine welcome (not simply the toleration of) all people; finding room in our hearts for further discussion of immigration. the need to be reconciling -- the desire to be inclusive -- the hope to extend the welcome of god's love is not yet complete. through the years, we have faced the inclusive challenges of a variety of people. may we continue to prayerfully walk the talk of jesus, who sets us free to share the love. as we sang on sunday, 'facing the rising sun of our new day begun, let us march on till victory is won'.
through the years, the dreams that were shared, the conversations that occurred, and the promises made on this spot must have evoked a sense of intimacy and promise; the letting go and the starting over; the confessions and the new beginnings -- such a place as this is the collection of wisdom and memories. the footsteps across this land represent a yearning, i believe, which speaks of hope and possibilities and the letting go of hurts and failures, allowing us to begin anew with renewing freshness.
such is the opportunity of life with god; grace, we call it . . . .
in this warm and loving 1910/11 west cliff drive house, the darlings have made a home. in and out of their doors, through the years, individuals have come and gone and returned again to find renewal and the gift of hospitality. such a gift was offered once again on monday evening as darrell and karen and their family welcomed the community into their home (also a vibrant bed and breakfast) in a time of celebration.
through the years this generous couple has offered a home away from home. and monday evening, the years culminated with a loving tribute.
beginning life together before their teenage years, karen and darrell celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary in a contemporary way -- by inviting others to share in their happiness of love -- in particular, inviting couples who previously had been denied the opportunity to fully express their love legally; specifically same gender couples.
on this beautiful evening in santa cruz, the darlings opened their home and their celebration to others, remembering the time as the cake says, 'when we were young and gay'. couples shared their love stories as did darrell and karen; and, in typical united methodist fashion, a delightful pot-luck was shared by all. romantic music, the sound of the ocean, and delightful conversation rounded out the evening.
through the years, viewpoints have changed about a variety of subjects -- the rights of certain women and men to be citizens; the rights of people of color to be fully accepted (including marriage to whom they loved), the rights of women and people of color to vote, and now the recognition of the lgbtqi community!
sunday during worship we sang 'lift every voice and sing' ... the on-going discussion now confronting us is making room at the table for the genuine welcome (not simply the toleration of) all people; finding room in our hearts for further discussion of immigration. the need to be reconciling -- the desire to be inclusive -- the hope to extend the welcome of god's love is not yet complete. through the years, we have faced the inclusive challenges of a variety of people. may we continue to prayerfully walk the talk of jesus, who sets us free to share the love. as we sang on sunday, 'facing the rising sun of our new day begun, let us march on till victory is won'.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
trees and water . . . . what more could you ask for?!
if i can say this and not be bragging, i will! i have been appointed to a community that literally is the 'best of both worlds' for me; trees and water . . . . what more could you ask for?!
the picture to your right comes a week after the picture of the church from last week's blog . . . the parking lot has been completed and the outside of the church building is basically completed, save for signage and a gate being placed in the backside for reasons you can only imagine!
and to go along with our emerging re-incarnated building, i've chosen to preach on the 'church focus' this month: offering community, deepening spiritually, and (helping to create) a more compassionate and just world; we do indeed have open hearts, open minds, and open doors!
ironically, i was in my office one afternoon, when i accidentally picked up the phone (i'm still getting use to just letting the phone ring rather than picking it up immediately, allowing the caller to make a choice with whom to speak).
on the other end of the phone was a couple from out-of-state seeking to get married in the big basin redwoods state park. round trip, is was only 55 miles, but with curving mountain roads, it takes about an hour to drive each way; but you don't have to drive nearly that far to feel as if you are in the redwoods! within my neighborhood, i can walk through redwoods to the harbor and have to pinch myself to realize i haven't traveled very far!
the wedding was romantically wonderful; we even had a catered white linen reception sitting among the redwoods; i didn't know a soul, and only met the wedding couple that day, but, it was one of the nicest weddings; hardly any stress!
from the redwoods of big basin, to the sea-shore (no doubt where sally selects sea-shells!) to the neary lagoon.
literally, in the backyard of the church, down a wooded slope, is this 44 acre park/wildlife refuge, which functions as a wetland ecosystem. and now i know how jesus walked on water ... someone built a floating dock system (ok, ok, that really does take the mystery out of jesus' miracles!)
but from those floating docks, you can see the cross of the church; pretty neat, hu?! this lagoon was thought to have been an oxbow bend of the san lorenzo river that became disassociated from the main stream. once 75 acres, it now is a 14 acre freshwater marsh enclosed within a 44 acre park/wildlife refuge. i've taken my lunch and a book and enjoyed an hour away from the office ... and never did open my book! but please, do not feed the ducks.
the picture to your right comes a week after the picture of the church from last week's blog . . . the parking lot has been completed and the outside of the church building is basically completed, save for signage and a gate being placed in the backside for reasons you can only imagine!
and to go along with our emerging re-incarnated building, i've chosen to preach on the 'church focus' this month: offering community, deepening spiritually, and (helping to create) a more compassionate and just world; we do indeed have open hearts, open minds, and open doors!
ironically, i was in my office one afternoon, when i accidentally picked up the phone (i'm still getting use to just letting the phone ring rather than picking it up immediately, allowing the caller to make a choice with whom to speak).
on the other end of the phone was a couple from out-of-state seeking to get married in the big basin redwoods state park. round trip, is was only 55 miles, but with curving mountain roads, it takes about an hour to drive each way; but you don't have to drive nearly that far to feel as if you are in the redwoods! within my neighborhood, i can walk through redwoods to the harbor and have to pinch myself to realize i haven't traveled very far!
the wedding was romantically wonderful; we even had a catered white linen reception sitting among the redwoods; i didn't know a soul, and only met the wedding couple that day, but, it was one of the nicest weddings; hardly any stress!
from the redwoods of big basin, to the sea-shore (no doubt where sally selects sea-shells!) to the neary lagoon.
literally, in the backyard of the church, down a wooded slope, is this 44 acre park/wildlife refuge, which functions as a wetland ecosystem. and now i know how jesus walked on water ... someone built a floating dock system (ok, ok, that really does take the mystery out of jesus' miracles!)
but from those floating docks, you can see the cross of the church; pretty neat, hu?! this lagoon was thought to have been an oxbow bend of the san lorenzo river that became disassociated from the main stream. once 75 acres, it now is a 14 acre freshwater marsh enclosed within a 44 acre park/wildlife refuge. i've taken my lunch and a book and enjoyed an hour away from the office ... and never did open my book! but please, do not feed the ducks.
and at the end of an exhilarating music rehearsal, all i have to do is go out into a very crowded parking lot filled with cars attending a school board meeting and an aa support group and realize what a gift i have been given; an opportunity to be among the beauty of god; people in the struggle of life, the birds of the air, the trees with a longer history than any human creature, and a water system that reminds me that i, too, am water washed and spirit born. what more could anyone ask for?!
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
naked lady alert (oh my!)
i can remember visiting my very proper aunt grace in the heat of a bakersfield summer. once, when i arrived, she told me to go and look in her backyard at the naked ladies. as i breathlessly ran to the yard at the ripe old age of 8, all i saw was the gardener and a bunch of pink lilies.

the united methodist church of santa cruz has been recovering from a fire which affected a classroom. but because of the nature of insurance, our building is all inter-connected; with smoke damage, etc, and a connecting roof-line, we are getting a major face-lift, thanks to the insight of those within the congregation.
natural light has been added to the worship center and the fellowship hall; a new color pallet graces the neighborhood, and the worship center will be updated with new carpet, polished stone, and paint.
we are due to receive new signage as well; and because of the issue of having a parking lot that extends to the back of the building, we are adding a gate (a way of saying, nicely perhaps, that is really is a place of sanctuary and safety; so please keep it available to everyone to enjoy.
on our 17th street property, gardens grow, but weed abatement continues to be a need. so occasional work-days are called, and if you'd like to join in the fun and help provide a happier neighborhood, come join us at 9 am on saturday, august 10th. no previous experience is required; bringing gloves, shovels, a good sense of humor, and other yard-cleaning equipment is encouraged, but not mandatory.
and if you know of someone desiring to be a part of this garden project, invite them to contact us; members of our congregation are invited to sponsor one other person; it is a great way to be engaged with other christians on our collective journey of faith, and a creative way to grow organic produce.
you can reach our website through umcsantacruz.org, or by calling the office and leaving a message at (831) 429-6800.
one of the final outdoor projects is being completed at the california street property this week; a new parking lot! i am constantly amazed to discover the persistence of our over-seer to this project, and the skill he has making sure the work is done on or before time, under-budget, and with the quality that will last for years to come.
now, trying to work while others are working can be a challenge, as the noise level at times can be distracting ... partly because i am curious about what's going on.
but when the noise becomes overwhelming, the sun beckons and the sound of the waves calleth. so, off i go to explore another area of santa cruz, or visit a community ministry or someone in the hospital. of course there is always housework and working in the yard, but those naked ladies will just have to wait!
i was going to look up the proper name for these flowers, but thought i might get a porn sight, so, just settle for my aunt's name; and, as it turns out, i discovered one in the front yard of the parsonage this week ... parents be forewarned! the santa cruz parsonage has a naked lady (but only one, with about 6 blossoms!)
my other delight this past week was the tour of university of california, santa cruz; the first class at ucsc began in 1965. it is like being in a national park; it is huge, filled with beautiful nature, and sever wonderful pieces of artwork; the sculpture of the squiggle was created by kenney farrel as 'untitled', and sits in an area by porter college, where on a clear day you may not see forever, but you can see clear to monterey!
also in the area in the expanded library is a tribute to the grateful dead; this group's archive is housed here in a wonderful display, complete with a dvd worth viewing! nature and academia come together to forge a perfect pair! should a student be looking for a place to further their education, with a united methodist church near-by, uscs is well worth a look-see!

the united methodist church of santa cruz has been recovering from a fire which affected a classroom. but because of the nature of insurance, our building is all inter-connected; with smoke damage, etc, and a connecting roof-line, we are getting a major face-lift, thanks to the insight of those within the congregation.
natural light has been added to the worship center and the fellowship hall; a new color pallet graces the neighborhood, and the worship center will be updated with new carpet, polished stone, and paint.
we are due to receive new signage as well; and because of the issue of having a parking lot that extends to the back of the building, we are adding a gate (a way of saying, nicely perhaps, that is really is a place of sanctuary and safety; so please keep it available to everyone to enjoy.
on our 17th street property, gardens grow, but weed abatement continues to be a need. so occasional work-days are called, and if you'd like to join in the fun and help provide a happier neighborhood, come join us at 9 am on saturday, august 10th. no previous experience is required; bringing gloves, shovels, a good sense of humor, and other yard-cleaning equipment is encouraged, but not mandatory.
and if you know of someone desiring to be a part of this garden project, invite them to contact us; members of our congregation are invited to sponsor one other person; it is a great way to be engaged with other christians on our collective journey of faith, and a creative way to grow organic produce.
you can reach our website through umcsantacruz.org, or by calling the office and leaving a message at (831) 429-6800.
one of the final outdoor projects is being completed at the california street property this week; a new parking lot! i am constantly amazed to discover the persistence of our over-seer to this project, and the skill he has making sure the work is done on or before time, under-budget, and with the quality that will last for years to come.
now, trying to work while others are working can be a challenge, as the noise level at times can be distracting ... partly because i am curious about what's going on.
but when the noise becomes overwhelming, the sun beckons and the sound of the waves calleth. so, off i go to explore another area of santa cruz, or visit a community ministry or someone in the hospital. of course there is always housework and working in the yard, but those naked ladies will just have to wait!
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
it never rains in california
so i got up one morning this week, and picked up my soggy newspaper before i went for my walk; it seems it DOES actually rain in california; even in santa cruz -- even in the banana belt -- that part of santa cruz where i live! where i live and where i serve have two distinct weather patters -- and they are just mintes apart from each other.
my recommendation: take in the beauty of the fragrance after it rains. omg; there is a purple magnolia tree in my neighborhood, and the sweet smell of star-jasmine; salt air and redwood. beauty is everywhere, and you can help california stay 'green' by making sure you do not waste your water (stop washing down your sidewalk!), recycle or re-use or figure out a way not to waste. just sayin' -- the base price for a paper sack in our area is 10 cents ... but i was in marshall's the other day and over-heard the price of 25 cents! be spiritually aware; it just makes good 'cents'! remember to keep your re-usable bags in your truck; you never know when you'll stop for fresh fruit and veggies!
while on that walk, i got to thinking ... what are the things one needs to remember when coming to california in the summer? the first is, don't listen to the travel agents about packing! always carry a jacket and dress in layers; long pants in the am; shorts in the afternoon; long pants in the pm. the ocean is COLD. keep it that simple; travel light; and smile a lot! and remember to pack and use (!) your sun-screen, 30+ or higher, and bring your tennis shoes and flip-flops. do i sound like i've moved to a coastal town?! be spiritually aware; be caring for yourself and for others.
remember to take some reading material along wherever you go; but even better than that, people watch! you can learn so much by observation. be spiritually aware; ask yourself if the behaviors you observe are the kinds of behaviors you want to replicate. someone from the congregation who surf's shared an insight about beaches -- how people choose to leave their garbage behind when they leave (including the things animals leave behind!) -- i suspect we can be much better about 'taking care', in that spiritual sense. the book i've just finished by the way, is about a young child who grows into adulthood, and her journey; very compelling. why not 'check it out'?! "the flight of gemma hardy" by margot livesey.
romance must be in the air; i just received a call (literally) from a couple planning to get married in a couple of weeks from out-of-state; they had tried to track down their youth pastor from years ago, but had no luck. and so i got the call; was i available, would i be their pastor; what an honor! ironically, i have gotten a call this week as well do perform my nephew's wedding in october. both weddings will NOT be in a church. that has become the trend. but we at the united methodist church of santa cruz are working to fix up our building and are keeping brides and grooms in mind as we make ready our worship center. while couples may not always think about 'a big church wedding', some people still do, even if they do not go to church! so, we are making ready for those couples not yet here. we are seeking to be spiritually aware, and we welcome you and those you know to help us share the news: you are welcome here -- even if you might not be 'all that traditional'; after all, we are california, and now we REALLY have something to celebrate!
finally, for the state that NEVER sees rain in the summer (oddly, however, we have seen a bit. at least three times so far in the last two months ...) . while preparing for your summer trip, remember never to leave home without your sense of spiritual openness. what might god have in store for you as you journey forth? what adventure will you encounter? are you prepared to be touched, wowed, awed, changed? will your every moment be filled with possibilities? will you intentionally be looking for ways to be renewed, as well as opportunities to make a difference? as you return home, do you plan to be the same person who left home, or will the experience of your 'adventure' change your future?
of course, you don't have to go very far to be 'spiritually changed'; you could just walk out your front door to retrieve your newspaper -- only to discover that it is soaking wet -- in the middle of summer!! try not to be annoyed; you can read the news on line! but you can't get back the time you've wasted on non-renewable spiritual living! be spiritually aware in this moment and in your times ahead; be open to the possibilities . . . .
my recommendation: take in the beauty of the fragrance after it rains. omg; there is a purple magnolia tree in my neighborhood, and the sweet smell of star-jasmine; salt air and redwood. beauty is everywhere, and you can help california stay 'green' by making sure you do not waste your water (stop washing down your sidewalk!), recycle or re-use or figure out a way not to waste. just sayin' -- the base price for a paper sack in our area is 10 cents ... but i was in marshall's the other day and over-heard the price of 25 cents! be spiritually aware; it just makes good 'cents'! remember to keep your re-usable bags in your truck; you never know when you'll stop for fresh fruit and veggies!
remember to take some reading material along wherever you go; but even better than that, people watch! you can learn so much by observation. be spiritually aware; ask yourself if the behaviors you observe are the kinds of behaviors you want to replicate. someone from the congregation who surf's shared an insight about beaches -- how people choose to leave their garbage behind when they leave (including the things animals leave behind!) -- i suspect we can be much better about 'taking care', in that spiritual sense. the book i've just finished by the way, is about a young child who grows into adulthood, and her journey; very compelling. why not 'check it out'?! "the flight of gemma hardy" by margot livesey.
romance must be in the air; i just received a call (literally) from a couple planning to get married in a couple of weeks from out-of-state; they had tried to track down their youth pastor from years ago, but had no luck. and so i got the call; was i available, would i be their pastor; what an honor! ironically, i have gotten a call this week as well do perform my nephew's wedding in october. both weddings will NOT be in a church. that has become the trend. but we at the united methodist church of santa cruz are working to fix up our building and are keeping brides and grooms in mind as we make ready our worship center. while couples may not always think about 'a big church wedding', some people still do, even if they do not go to church! so, we are making ready for those couples not yet here. we are seeking to be spiritually aware, and we welcome you and those you know to help us share the news: you are welcome here -- even if you might not be 'all that traditional'; after all, we are california, and now we REALLY have something to celebrate!
finally, for the state that NEVER sees rain in the summer (oddly, however, we have seen a bit. at least three times so far in the last two months ...) . while preparing for your summer trip, remember never to leave home without your sense of spiritual openness. what might god have in store for you as you journey forth? what adventure will you encounter? are you prepared to be touched, wowed, awed, changed? will your every moment be filled with possibilities? will you intentionally be looking for ways to be renewed, as well as opportunities to make a difference? as you return home, do you plan to be the same person who left home, or will the experience of your 'adventure' change your future?
of course, you don't have to go very far to be 'spiritually changed'; you could just walk out your front door to retrieve your newspaper -- only to discover that it is soaking wet -- in the middle of summer!! try not to be annoyed; you can read the news on line! but you can't get back the time you've wasted on non-renewable spiritual living! be spiritually aware in this moment and in your times ahead; be open to the possibilities . . . .
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
moving location complete
when last i posted, i was getting ready to move from merced to santa cruz.
what a (smooth) time i have had; very little physical issues to contend with (a broken lamp, now fixed; the challenges of getting lost and finding myself in a location i hadn't planned to visit but exploring that area as well; trying to figure out the placement of things; selling a house and settling into a parsonage) ... much more the issue of trying to deal with the emotional issues and details around leaving and moving; the saying good-byes, the changing of internet and television companies (once i moved, i even relocated my tv from one room to another, causing yet another visit -- and fee -- from the company!), and the opportunity of finding 'coolness' in the summer.
the picture to the right shows the nearly empty bookshelves of the merced office. packing and purging. the letting go and the spirit leading to 'all things new'.
the most noticeable thing i experienced in this move was kindness; the sharing of a 'good' good-bye from merced; people sharing how they had grown spiritually, and wonderful celebration filled with meaningful music, good food, and unexpected gifts that will forever touch me.
and then ... the discovery of finding 'home' once again in santa cruz. the kindness of a 'warm' welcome; being expected, being anticipated, being received. the discovery that 'all my stuff fit' -- differently than before, yes, but fitting in a new way; a refreshing change. the picture to the left is reflective of the santa cruz office, part of where i now call home.
people have been gracious; the discovery that i didn't have to 'go home from holiday' after the 4th of july -- all i had to do was settle in. well, the "all" part will take a little time, mainly because i am now out of boxes, but i'm not sure where everything is! i can function, i've completed two sunday services, and each week we have something new to see -- this week was the discovery of sky-lights!
my day off continues to be on mondays. so, one of the things that grounds me spiritually is 'nesting'. digging around in the yard is a way of finding my place in my new location.
so i discovered a local nursery and secured shredded redwood to work as ground-covering. one of the advantages of having a convertible is that you can put the top down and load it up. so, that's what i did yesterday; i can get 20 bags of ground cover in my vw cabrio. and then the drive home.
at a stop sign, i drove up next to a woman on a bicycle who was planning to turn left. she turned and noticed my car. she said, 'that's a lot of dirt' ... and then began to laugh ... which caused me to laugh ... and then the signal changed and she went her way and i went my way, both still laughing.
what to do with all that dirt!!! well, take a look below. when all else fails, spend a little time in the dirt with god. be refreshed; be renewed; be blessed. moving location complete!
what a (smooth) time i have had; very little physical issues to contend with (a broken lamp, now fixed; the challenges of getting lost and finding myself in a location i hadn't planned to visit but exploring that area as well; trying to figure out the placement of things; selling a house and settling into a parsonage) ... much more the issue of trying to deal with the emotional issues and details around leaving and moving; the saying good-byes, the changing of internet and television companies (once i moved, i even relocated my tv from one room to another, causing yet another visit -- and fee -- from the company!), and the opportunity of finding 'coolness' in the summer.
the picture to the right shows the nearly empty bookshelves of the merced office. packing and purging. the letting go and the spirit leading to 'all things new'.
the most noticeable thing i experienced in this move was kindness; the sharing of a 'good' good-bye from merced; people sharing how they had grown spiritually, and wonderful celebration filled with meaningful music, good food, and unexpected gifts that will forever touch me.
and then ... the discovery of finding 'home' once again in santa cruz. the kindness of a 'warm' welcome; being expected, being anticipated, being received. the discovery that 'all my stuff fit' -- differently than before, yes, but fitting in a new way; a refreshing change. the picture to the left is reflective of the santa cruz office, part of where i now call home.
people have been gracious; the discovery that i didn't have to 'go home from holiday' after the 4th of july -- all i had to do was settle in. well, the "all" part will take a little time, mainly because i am now out of boxes, but i'm not sure where everything is! i can function, i've completed two sunday services, and each week we have something new to see -- this week was the discovery of sky-lights!
my day off continues to be on mondays. so, one of the things that grounds me spiritually is 'nesting'. digging around in the yard is a way of finding my place in my new location.
so i discovered a local nursery and secured shredded redwood to work as ground-covering. one of the advantages of having a convertible is that you can put the top down and load it up. so, that's what i did yesterday; i can get 20 bags of ground cover in my vw cabrio. and then the drive home.
at a stop sign, i drove up next to a woman on a bicycle who was planning to turn left. she turned and noticed my car. she said, 'that's a lot of dirt' ... and then began to laugh ... which caused me to laugh ... and then the signal changed and she went her way and i went my way, both still laughing.
what to do with all that dirt!!! well, take a look below. when all else fails, spend a little time in the dirt with god. be refreshed; be renewed; be blessed. moving location complete!
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
easter . . . again ... and still . . .
it is easter again! our orthodox sisters and brothers will gather saturday night for an easter vigil that, at least in the russian orthodox tradition, takes folks from a tomb-like setting in a sanctuary with no pews beginning at about 10:30 pm, out circling around the church building and back into a miraculously transformed sanctuary filled with light and flowers and joy, with the lighting of candles and the joyous singing of 'christ is risen'.
the pictures on my blog this week come from san francisco's saint nicholas church off of church street, just south of market.
for years i attended the easter vigil, and even while in chicagoland during seminary, i was able to attend this high-holy experience. so this sunday, although not able to attend the saturday night vigil, i have been invited to the sunday celebration. wha-hoo! or, perhaps i should say, christ is risen indeed!
while easter still continues to be celebrated in our churches long after easter sunday, i believe it looses some of the festive celebration as time goes on. we get busy doing whatever it is that we do when all the colored eggs are eaten and the chocolate bunnies have been devoured. i rather like remembering and living with the fact that every sunday worship is a reminder of the resurrection.
and so in this time of transition for united methodists, both in merced and in santa cruz (as well as all the other pastoral families and communities that are in this time of change), i sort and pack with prayerful awareness that the risen jesus is in my midst. as i got my car smog-ed and placed my house on the market to be sold in a short sale yesterday, i was constantly aware that i am not in this time alone. this is a great comfort to me in this process.
i don't start counting events as in 'this is nearly my last communion service', etc; i never have found that very helpful. i try to be mindful that in whatever moment i am in, doing whatever service or action i am engaged, i am being asked to be fully present. for, in reality, we don't really get a chance to 'do it again' like doing the scene over until we get it right like in the movies. i try to let the spirit work in and through me so that god can be fully realized in that moment.
so here we are in this time of easter again ... and still! every moment is a moment to be fully who we are, as a child of god. and, perhaps, that is the best gift of all at easter! a reminder that no matter what, all we have is god. and that is more than enough!
the pictures on my blog this week come from san francisco's saint nicholas church off of church street, just south of market.
for years i attended the easter vigil, and even while in chicagoland during seminary, i was able to attend this high-holy experience. so this sunday, although not able to attend the saturday night vigil, i have been invited to the sunday celebration. wha-hoo! or, perhaps i should say, christ is risen indeed!
while easter still continues to be celebrated in our churches long after easter sunday, i believe it looses some of the festive celebration as time goes on. we get busy doing whatever it is that we do when all the colored eggs are eaten and the chocolate bunnies have been devoured. i rather like remembering and living with the fact that every sunday worship is a reminder of the resurrection.
and so in this time of transition for united methodists, both in merced and in santa cruz (as well as all the other pastoral families and communities that are in this time of change), i sort and pack with prayerful awareness that the risen jesus is in my midst. as i got my car smog-ed and placed my house on the market to be sold in a short sale yesterday, i was constantly aware that i am not in this time alone. this is a great comfort to me in this process.
i don't start counting events as in 'this is nearly my last communion service', etc; i never have found that very helpful. i try to be mindful that in whatever moment i am in, doing whatever service or action i am engaged, i am being asked to be fully present. for, in reality, we don't really get a chance to 'do it again' like doing the scene over until we get it right like in the movies. i try to let the spirit work in and through me so that god can be fully realized in that moment.
so here we are in this time of easter again ... and still! every moment is a moment to be fully who we are, as a child of god. and, perhaps, that is the best gift of all at easter! a reminder that no matter what, all we have is god. and that is more than enough!
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
a tale of two (actually FOUR) cities . . . .
it was the best of times . . . it was the worst of times . . . . so begins 'a tale of two cities'. why is this relevant, you might ask? well, to answer that question, i have to back up to march 24th, and the evening of palm sunday; the start of holy week.
i received word that week that i would be leaving merced (city number one) and would be appointed to santa cruz (city number two) on july 1st. goodness! remember to breathe....all those things i say to myself and the congregation went out the window when i became in a state of flux; having lived with this news, and the reality of coming and going, of selling and packing and unpacking and settling-in, i'm much better now.
while i hate to leave, i'm also awed by the possibility, and prayerful for merced and for santa cruz. it has been a long time since i've had to be prayerful for pastoral families and congregations in transition . . . . and now i am a part of that transition!
but during holy week, a pastor really does not have time to digest the reality of a move. but holy week is a good time to know and experience the change of life in which jesus went through; all the emotions of pain right on up to the joy of the resurrection. god has something in mind; we just don't always know what that is, or how we fit in.
and so easter came, and the next day, april 1st (no foolin') i flew to washington d.c. (city number three) to begin a working vacation in which i would do sight seeing in the nation's capital and spend the day (yes, just one day) in 'the big apple' (city number four).
people wondered, 'why only one day in new york city?!' the short answer to that is that the white house couldn't offer me 'high tea' on the thursday of my trip, so i had to do something special! nyc is pretty special.
so, i began sharing pictures on this blog of city #4; nyc; the new 'tower', the empire state building, and liberty (closed for repair). it was a full day, and a six hour round-trip train ride, but worth every moment. and yes, people DO look like ants from the top of the empire state building!
nyc is still in recovery from sandy, but nothing seems to keep the big apple down for long.
now i heard a nasty rumor while i was in nyc that i was actually got caught trying to have 'breakfast at tiffany's'! it simply isn't true. i actually tried, but i never did find it on 5th avenue, so i went to bloomingdales on park avenue instead, and settled for ny pizza. central park, however, is everything you can imagine...and it might just rival golden gate park, but the (grand) jury is still out deliberating on that fact. my suggestion; if you ever get a chance to go to new york city, do not pass go, do not collect $200; just do it! and wear your walking shoes! i walked 30,561 steps that day; over 15 miles!!
the real reason for my trip back east was to attend the ecumenical advocacy days in arlington, va (ok, technically city #5, but we'll just stay focused on the four, since it is only a metro stop away!)
the focus of the conference was 'a place at the table'; food scarcity and poverty, and learning to be advocates as a people of faith with our legislators focusing on the farm bill (our legislator's third priority after gun control and immigration). a gentle reminder to each one of you is to remind your legislators of the need to care for our land, our food/water sources, and the ways in which this issue is a world-wide issue.
while in city number three, i was able to experience the chill of winter, the changes of spring, and the sunny warmth of summer. when i arrived on monday, the chill of the season had prevented any cherry blossom from even offering a tip of bloom. and it stayed like that until friday, when the weather pattern dramatically changed. by saturday, the blooms were evident, and by monday the cherry blossoms were out, and so was every visitor from every country in the world (i think!)
our capital is really a beautiful city; the monuments are meaningful -- often a painful reminder of what it means to live with freedom and responsibility. but the streets are clean and sunny; there is building going on, and people's spirits were positive and up-beat. having a change in the weather also helped, i understand. the capitol to the right is well worth a tour; a sculpture of president lincoln resides there with an unfinished (left, i believe) ear, as a reminder that justice is as yet, incomplete. one of the chandeliers was donated by (what was then) a methodist church. so don't hesitate to plan a trip to this wonderful city -- and remember to stop by and view julia child's kitchen, archie bunker's chair, and dorothy's ruby slippers!
we were reminded at the conference that faith isn't just about rituals; it is about action, and what it takes to rekindle our faith when we become passive. representative jim mcgovern (not related to george) from massachusetts was profiled in the movie 'a place at the table', a documentary about our hunger issue, and now available on dvd. we were reminded that hunger and starvation can be eliminated, when we begin to expanding our thinking to understand that we all need food for our soul, and that we have a responsibility to help create sustainable communities.
what can we do? as people of faith, we can help build resilient communities, and help move the world from insecurities to hope, with education, compassion, and social change in the way we eat, shop, plant, and attend to our personal and national responsibilities.
the washington monument stands as a reminder that anything is possible, as we set our sights on changing our habits and caring for one another. be it in city number one, two, three, or four, the way in which we serve god and one another with the hands and feet of christ can make all the difference in the world. how are you making a difference this day?
i received word that week that i would be leaving merced (city number one) and would be appointed to santa cruz (city number two) on july 1st. goodness! remember to breathe....all those things i say to myself and the congregation went out the window when i became in a state of flux; having lived with this news, and the reality of coming and going, of selling and packing and unpacking and settling-in, i'm much better now.
while i hate to leave, i'm also awed by the possibility, and prayerful for merced and for santa cruz. it has been a long time since i've had to be prayerful for pastoral families and congregations in transition . . . . and now i am a part of that transition!
but during holy week, a pastor really does not have time to digest the reality of a move. but holy week is a good time to know and experience the change of life in which jesus went through; all the emotions of pain right on up to the joy of the resurrection. god has something in mind; we just don't always know what that is, or how we fit in.
and so easter came, and the next day, april 1st (no foolin') i flew to washington d.c. (city number three) to begin a working vacation in which i would do sight seeing in the nation's capital and spend the day (yes, just one day) in 'the big apple' (city number four).
people wondered, 'why only one day in new york city?!' the short answer to that is that the white house couldn't offer me 'high tea' on the thursday of my trip, so i had to do something special! nyc is pretty special.
so, i began sharing pictures on this blog of city #4; nyc; the new 'tower', the empire state building, and liberty (closed for repair). it was a full day, and a six hour round-trip train ride, but worth every moment. and yes, people DO look like ants from the top of the empire state building!
nyc is still in recovery from sandy, but nothing seems to keep the big apple down for long.
now i heard a nasty rumor while i was in nyc that i was actually got caught trying to have 'breakfast at tiffany's'! it simply isn't true. i actually tried, but i never did find it on 5th avenue, so i went to bloomingdales on park avenue instead, and settled for ny pizza. central park, however, is everything you can imagine...and it might just rival golden gate park, but the (grand) jury is still out deliberating on that fact. my suggestion; if you ever get a chance to go to new york city, do not pass go, do not collect $200; just do it! and wear your walking shoes! i walked 30,561 steps that day; over 15 miles!!
the real reason for my trip back east was to attend the ecumenical advocacy days in arlington, va (ok, technically city #5, but we'll just stay focused on the four, since it is only a metro stop away!)
the focus of the conference was 'a place at the table'; food scarcity and poverty, and learning to be advocates as a people of faith with our legislators focusing on the farm bill (our legislator's third priority after gun control and immigration). a gentle reminder to each one of you is to remind your legislators of the need to care for our land, our food/water sources, and the ways in which this issue is a world-wide issue.
while in city number three, i was able to experience the chill of winter, the changes of spring, and the sunny warmth of summer. when i arrived on monday, the chill of the season had prevented any cherry blossom from even offering a tip of bloom. and it stayed like that until friday, when the weather pattern dramatically changed. by saturday, the blooms were evident, and by monday the cherry blossoms were out, and so was every visitor from every country in the world (i think!)
our capital is really a beautiful city; the monuments are meaningful -- often a painful reminder of what it means to live with freedom and responsibility. but the streets are clean and sunny; there is building going on, and people's spirits were positive and up-beat. having a change in the weather also helped, i understand. the capitol to the right is well worth a tour; a sculpture of president lincoln resides there with an unfinished (left, i believe) ear, as a reminder that justice is as yet, incomplete. one of the chandeliers was donated by (what was then) a methodist church. so don't hesitate to plan a trip to this wonderful city -- and remember to stop by and view julia child's kitchen, archie bunker's chair, and dorothy's ruby slippers!
we were reminded at the conference that faith isn't just about rituals; it is about action, and what it takes to rekindle our faith when we become passive. representative jim mcgovern (not related to george) from massachusetts was profiled in the movie 'a place at the table', a documentary about our hunger issue, and now available on dvd. we were reminded that hunger and starvation can be eliminated, when we begin to expanding our thinking to understand that we all need food for our soul, and that we have a responsibility to help create sustainable communities.
what can we do? as people of faith, we can help build resilient communities, and help move the world from insecurities to hope, with education, compassion, and social change in the way we eat, shop, plant, and attend to our personal and national responsibilities.
the washington monument stands as a reminder that anything is possible, as we set our sights on changing our habits and caring for one another. be it in city number one, two, three, or four, the way in which we serve god and one another with the hands and feet of christ can make all the difference in the world. how are you making a difference this day?
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
flowers b4 the end of holy week . . . .
i don't know how florists and nurseries do it, making sure their flowers bloom at precisely the 'right' time! i suspect this must be their skill. as people bring in their flowers in preparation for the decorating of the sanctuary on saturday, our church entry is spectacular to behold!
i am always amazed and appreciate flowers b4 the end of holy week; they remind me of the dilemma which is presented to us; a reminder that we can walk to the end because we know already what is at the end; the message that we live . . . . death does not have the last word even though the end is very real.
and so during this preparation for easter, which happens during the entire week, is this truthful reminder: we live in-between the time of endings and beginnings; in-between the 'it has happened' and the 'not yet'. yet even so, when my mom's cymbidium orchid began to bloom just before palm sunday, i kept saying, 'no! not yet! it's too early!' but it wouldn't listen. what's the message it was giving? i suppose the message is this: it is never too early to be on the journey to new life. we can't always plan the 'right and perfect time'. and we can't stop a flower from blooming, or the stones from shouting either 'injustice!' or 'hallelujah'!
so we must live through this time; the in-between, appreciating even when the flowers bloom "too early".
but what is 'too early'? could it be that the flowers are a word of encouragement to our journey. perhaps they are a reminder that we cannot stop what is happening, but must journey forth and do what must be done, preparing for the ancient reminder 'christ is risen; risen indeed'!
so, come what may, this is the time when we ready our hearts and minds for the gripping tale and the miraculous story that feeds our faith and makes our blooms, blossom! this is our season to grow and respond and live in the faith. more importantly, this is our time to share. don't try to keep the blooms from their expression. rather, let them lead us to faithfully share.
our story has no end; let this message not be silenced!
i will be away next week. let the celebration continue!
i am always amazed and appreciate flowers b4 the end of holy week; they remind me of the dilemma which is presented to us; a reminder that we can walk to the end because we know already what is at the end; the message that we live . . . . death does not have the last word even though the end is very real.
and so during this preparation for easter, which happens during the entire week, is this truthful reminder: we live in-between the time of endings and beginnings; in-between the 'it has happened' and the 'not yet'. yet even so, when my mom's cymbidium orchid began to bloom just before palm sunday, i kept saying, 'no! not yet! it's too early!' but it wouldn't listen. what's the message it was giving? i suppose the message is this: it is never too early to be on the journey to new life. we can't always plan the 'right and perfect time'. and we can't stop a flower from blooming, or the stones from shouting either 'injustice!' or 'hallelujah'!
so we must live through this time; the in-between, appreciating even when the flowers bloom "too early".
but what is 'too early'? could it be that the flowers are a word of encouragement to our journey. perhaps they are a reminder that we cannot stop what is happening, but must journey forth and do what must be done, preparing for the ancient reminder 'christ is risen; risen indeed'!
so, come what may, this is the time when we ready our hearts and minds for the gripping tale and the miraculous story that feeds our faith and makes our blooms, blossom! this is our season to grow and respond and live in the faith. more importantly, this is our time to share. don't try to keep the blooms from their expression. rather, let them lead us to faithfully share.
our story has no end; let this message not be silenced!
i will be away next week. let the celebration continue!
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
finding pleasure in lent . . . it's a god thing!
if lent is supposed to be a solemn, reflective time, i'm failing miserably -- or, perhaps, happily! for i am finding pleasure in lent, and i think that's a god thing!
i really have been taking this season seriously. i prayerfully reflected before this season began upon the things i needed to be concentrating upon; i listened to see if these were in line with the spiritual path i was to walk; i sensed god saying, 'yes'. so, i put this plan into action and set my goals.
one goal was to continue, well . . . walking! a spiritual discipline is good self-care. the goal placed upon me was 5,000 heartmiles, plus an additional 3,000 heartmiles that would benefit the care for those at risk of malaria. even with my pedometer acting up, i was able to complete both of these goals this past week. and, not only that! i discovered that i am moving away from being so concerned about my pedometer acting up and more focused on maintaining my care of self and soul.
have you ever found that working toward a goal caused you to begin looking at the bigger picture? how awesome to know that my walking can be a benefit for someone else! who knew?! that could only be a god thing, don't you think?
as a marriage and family therapist, i am required to complete 36 hours of continuing education during a two year cycle. these hours also count toward the requirement i has as a pastor to complete 80 hours in four years. that was my second goal during lent; to complete the 36 hours i needed for my september renewal. i completed those hours this week-end!
i am committed to being a life-long learner; how about you? is there a way you can continue to learn...subscribe to a magazine that has nothing to do with the field you are invested in, or read a book on a subject that will benefit you when you say, 'hum, i didn't know that!' keeping our minds active and engaged in the world allows us to be attentive to the needs of others; a very 'god thing'.
as a 'reward' for completing these two things, i spent my day off yesterday doing yard-work. now, before you say that doesn't sound like a lenten spiritual practice, let me explain how this particular event came to be. in the realm of 'united methodist clergy', this is the time of year when our bishop makes decisions about where united methodist clergy will be assigned come july 1st. this can be very anxiety producing for us, as well as our families, and local congregations! three of my colleagues who hadn't planned on moving have been moved so far this year!!! so on my walk monday morning, while my pedometer was acting up and not really counting my steps, i had a little heart to heart with god....
and the conclusion i came to was that i needed to get my house in order, metaphorically speaking. and i took that to mean, i needed to "nest". and for those who know me, needing to do 'productive busy work' helps keep my mind off of too much thinking! i could imagine i'd be called by the bishop to serve greater (or lesser) out-of-merced, and i'd be like, "but i'm not ready! i've work to do!
god said, 'get your house in order -- just cause!' and so i took that to mean, clean up my yard for spring and enjoy! (isn't that how you'd take it if you didn't want YOUR bishop to call?!) besides, while i was doing all this yard work, my phone was in the house...out of sight, out of mind!
so, at least for the remainder of this season, i get to enjoy the work i've done in my yard; this brings me joy and pleasure and has less calories than chocolate! i've more work to do, but, there is one more monday left in lent!
still, i do have one more goal to achieve; one i cannot really keep putting off; it will not take long, but it means i have to actually attend to it. perhaps a little more prayer, another walk around the neighborhood, and some more work in the yard will help!
are you finding pleasure this lent? and is it a god thing for you, too?
i really have been taking this season seriously. i prayerfully reflected before this season began upon the things i needed to be concentrating upon; i listened to see if these were in line with the spiritual path i was to walk; i sensed god saying, 'yes'. so, i put this plan into action and set my goals.
one goal was to continue, well . . . walking! a spiritual discipline is good self-care. the goal placed upon me was 5,000 heartmiles, plus an additional 3,000 heartmiles that would benefit the care for those at risk of malaria. even with my pedometer acting up, i was able to complete both of these goals this past week. and, not only that! i discovered that i am moving away from being so concerned about my pedometer acting up and more focused on maintaining my care of self and soul.
have you ever found that working toward a goal caused you to begin looking at the bigger picture? how awesome to know that my walking can be a benefit for someone else! who knew?! that could only be a god thing, don't you think?
as a marriage and family therapist, i am required to complete 36 hours of continuing education during a two year cycle. these hours also count toward the requirement i has as a pastor to complete 80 hours in four years. that was my second goal during lent; to complete the 36 hours i needed for my september renewal. i completed those hours this week-end!
i am committed to being a life-long learner; how about you? is there a way you can continue to learn...subscribe to a magazine that has nothing to do with the field you are invested in, or read a book on a subject that will benefit you when you say, 'hum, i didn't know that!' keeping our minds active and engaged in the world allows us to be attentive to the needs of others; a very 'god thing'.
as a 'reward' for completing these two things, i spent my day off yesterday doing yard-work. now, before you say that doesn't sound like a lenten spiritual practice, let me explain how this particular event came to be. in the realm of 'united methodist clergy', this is the time of year when our bishop makes decisions about where united methodist clergy will be assigned come july 1st. this can be very anxiety producing for us, as well as our families, and local congregations! three of my colleagues who hadn't planned on moving have been moved so far this year!!! so on my walk monday morning, while my pedometer was acting up and not really counting my steps, i had a little heart to heart with god....
and the conclusion i came to was that i needed to get my house in order, metaphorically speaking. and i took that to mean, i needed to "nest". and for those who know me, needing to do 'productive busy work' helps keep my mind off of too much thinking! i could imagine i'd be called by the bishop to serve greater (or lesser) out-of-merced, and i'd be like, "but i'm not ready! i've work to do!
god said, 'get your house in order -- just cause!' and so i took that to mean, clean up my yard for spring and enjoy! (isn't that how you'd take it if you didn't want YOUR bishop to call?!) besides, while i was doing all this yard work, my phone was in the house...out of sight, out of mind!
so, at least for the remainder of this season, i get to enjoy the work i've done in my yard; this brings me joy and pleasure and has less calories than chocolate! i've more work to do, but, there is one more monday left in lent!
still, i do have one more goal to achieve; one i cannot really keep putting off; it will not take long, but it means i have to actually attend to it. perhaps a little more prayer, another walk around the neighborhood, and some more work in the yard will help!
are you finding pleasure this lent? and is it a god thing for you, too?
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
is it really spring?
i happened to go outside my front door yesterday, during the day...usual, in that often i drive out of the house, or i return when the sun has gone down.
but yesterday, after finishing some work, i went for a walk during the daylight hours (as opposed to 5 in the morning), and, for a moment, i thought someone had planted flowers in my yard! i did remember planting these last fall, but who knew 'spring had sprung' in merced?!
and, of course, purple, to match the season. we are moving toward easter (and i do not plan to dig them up once the season is over); but, for now, this beautiful plant is a reminder that life comes after winter...in spite of being neglected all winter, with hardly any water or not even a passing glace as i went for my walks in the morning, which is how i missed the fact that change had happened. in spite of my lack of attentiveness, this plant not only survived, but has thrived!
now, how do i relate this to my own life? i've been rather focused on myself and the church--really a tie in the 'paying attention' department. so, how is it that i've overlooked these flowers?
my only response, after pondering this question myself today, is that i've stayed focused, but perhaps missed, while not perhaps the bigger picture, certainly some of the details. and, not only that, the details change very quickly...a reminder to pay closer attention. and yet, as i think about it, those flowers were not there two weeks ago, when i noticed my backyard tree starting to 'leaf-out'. maybe, in all honesty, these flowers just suddenly "appeared", like the time change creeping up on us!
whatever happened, and however these flowers appeared, i am aware now. and isn't this a great picture?! not because i took it (which is more miraculous than to be 'awed' over), but because this is a picture of renewed life! in spite of everything, the seasons change, flowers bloom; easter comes despite our never being quite ready. easter isn't like christmas when we may not have our house trimmed completely or the cards sent out or the gifts completely wrapped. no, easter is about the fact that we're not always spiritually ready.
and that makes me chuckle a little because the reality is, GOD is always ready; more than ready, actually, to send forth grace and beauty and love -- reminders that life is all around us, and in us, and shared through us. what a wonderful message! just like receiving a bouquet of flowers at your doorstep; flowers you weren't expecting, but you're glad their there!
so take some time this week, to remember that easter is on its way. . .thanks be to god!

but yesterday, after finishing some work, i went for a walk during the daylight hours (as opposed to 5 in the morning), and, for a moment, i thought someone had planted flowers in my yard! i did remember planting these last fall, but who knew 'spring had sprung' in merced?!
and, of course, purple, to match the season. we are moving toward easter (and i do not plan to dig them up once the season is over); but, for now, this beautiful plant is a reminder that life comes after winter...in spite of being neglected all winter, with hardly any water or not even a passing glace as i went for my walks in the morning, which is how i missed the fact that change had happened. in spite of my lack of attentiveness, this plant not only survived, but has thrived!
now, how do i relate this to my own life? i've been rather focused on myself and the church--really a tie in the 'paying attention' department. so, how is it that i've overlooked these flowers?
my only response, after pondering this question myself today, is that i've stayed focused, but perhaps missed, while not perhaps the bigger picture, certainly some of the details. and, not only that, the details change very quickly...a reminder to pay closer attention. and yet, as i think about it, those flowers were not there two weeks ago, when i noticed my backyard tree starting to 'leaf-out'. maybe, in all honesty, these flowers just suddenly "appeared", like the time change creeping up on us!
whatever happened, and however these flowers appeared, i am aware now. and isn't this a great picture?! not because i took it (which is more miraculous than to be 'awed' over), but because this is a picture of renewed life! in spite of everything, the seasons change, flowers bloom; easter comes despite our never being quite ready. easter isn't like christmas when we may not have our house trimmed completely or the cards sent out or the gifts completely wrapped. no, easter is about the fact that we're not always spiritually ready.
and that makes me chuckle a little because the reality is, GOD is always ready; more than ready, actually, to send forth grace and beauty and love -- reminders that life is all around us, and in us, and shared through us. what a wonderful message! just like receiving a bouquet of flowers at your doorstep; flowers you weren't expecting, but you're glad their there!
so take some time this week, to remember that easter is on its way. . .thanks be to god!
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
midway through the journey
we have completed three sundays during lent, so we are midway through the journey. one never knows what one will experience on this journey; paying attention helps.
on sunday, most of the pg&e power in merced was off, for the morning. this made for an interesting worship time. but just as we were praying, particularly for those whom power is a necessity and for those working to resolve the issue, the lights came back on. really! god truly works in mysterious ways.
i won't bore you with the fact that my pedometer needed a new battery AGAIN, but i did get in an extra walk yesterday!
the journey of life takes us through experiences we do not always fore-see, as well as invites us to pay attention to things that we do see in new and exciting ways.
for instance, i've been walking the same route for about half-a-year, and i've noticed people who move in and out; i get to know the dogs and cats in the neighborhood, and anticipate which houses will "bark" at me....i've tried walking VERY quietly on thursday and sunday mornings when i leave my house by 5:15....but, alas, dogs know. but i don't seem to scare the cats as much these days!
but midway through the journey, i've become accustomed to an owl, small like the one found in the movie 'out of africa' that is a companion to meryl streep's character, karen blixen. this owl does not seem to nest high on a light-post, but in a hole on the ground, where i've seen rabbits, ground squirrels, and a fox find their homes. i don't know a whole lot about owls, but they always seemed nocturnal to me, and somewhat vulnerable during daylight hours...to live on the ground seems like an invitation to trouble.
but then i remember jesus' life, and how, for the most part, he didn't run for cover every time someone disagreed with him, or even tried eliminate him from their community. so i'm thinking, this must be a very brave owl. it is beautiful as it takes flight, soaring seemingly effortlessly. 'free as a bird'. i don't know what that is like. but i wonder; it gives me something to think about while i walk.
i try not to think of the things i need to accomplish before this journey of lent is completed. one cannot very easily say during this season, 'oh well; there's always tomorrow' because the days are ticking down. the journey moves forward, with or without us. so that old saying, 'never put off tomorrow what you can/need to do today' fits very well.
if you haven't started (whatever) yet, it isn't too late, although time is moving on and does not wait. so, midway through this journey might be the time to reflect where you have been and where you are going in this time of your journey. are you sticking with your goals? have you made an impact on someone else's life? what difference has someone made in you, and have you been able to share that appreciation with them or 'paid it forward'?!
midway through the journey . . . . are you finding the depth in your spiritual life that you are seeking; if you are, awesome! continue on your way! if you are not, what changes in your life need to happen for your to find that deeper sacred place . . . . and when that answer comes to you, journey in that way.....
on sunday, most of the pg&e power in merced was off, for the morning. this made for an interesting worship time. but just as we were praying, particularly for those whom power is a necessity and for those working to resolve the issue, the lights came back on. really! god truly works in mysterious ways.
i won't bore you with the fact that my pedometer needed a new battery AGAIN, but i did get in an extra walk yesterday!
the journey of life takes us through experiences we do not always fore-see, as well as invites us to pay attention to things that we do see in new and exciting ways.
for instance, i've been walking the same route for about half-a-year, and i've noticed people who move in and out; i get to know the dogs and cats in the neighborhood, and anticipate which houses will "bark" at me....i've tried walking VERY quietly on thursday and sunday mornings when i leave my house by 5:15....but, alas, dogs know. but i don't seem to scare the cats as much these days!
but midway through the journey, i've become accustomed to an owl, small like the one found in the movie 'out of africa' that is a companion to meryl streep's character, karen blixen. this owl does not seem to nest high on a light-post, but in a hole on the ground, where i've seen rabbits, ground squirrels, and a fox find their homes. i don't know a whole lot about owls, but they always seemed nocturnal to me, and somewhat vulnerable during daylight hours...to live on the ground seems like an invitation to trouble.
but then i remember jesus' life, and how, for the most part, he didn't run for cover every time someone disagreed with him, or even tried eliminate him from their community. so i'm thinking, this must be a very brave owl. it is beautiful as it takes flight, soaring seemingly effortlessly. 'free as a bird'. i don't know what that is like. but i wonder; it gives me something to think about while i walk.
i try not to think of the things i need to accomplish before this journey of lent is completed. one cannot very easily say during this season, 'oh well; there's always tomorrow' because the days are ticking down. the journey moves forward, with or without us. so that old saying, 'never put off tomorrow what you can/need to do today' fits very well.
if you haven't started (whatever) yet, it isn't too late, although time is moving on and does not wait. so, midway through this journey might be the time to reflect where you have been and where you are going in this time of your journey. are you sticking with your goals? have you made an impact on someone else's life? what difference has someone made in you, and have you been able to share that appreciation with them or 'paid it forward'?!
midway through the journey . . . . are you finding the depth in your spiritual life that you are seeking; if you are, awesome! continue on your way! if you are not, what changes in your life need to happen for your to find that deeper sacred place . . . . and when that answer comes to you, journey in that way.....
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
lent . . . . just the way it is!
this season of lent is just the way it is . . . time spent waiting and preparing for easter. so is it any wonder that we pay more attention to things, and mark them as more significant?!
this picture to the left is from last tuesday's storm taken outside my office ... someone asked me if i rushed into the wesley hall (our social hall) to see if there was a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. no such luck, but it did get me to wondering about what one does during this season on waiting and preparing.
so i began to compile a list of things that i begin to pay attention to; perhaps they will entice you to pay particular attention to what is happening in your life and the world around you during this time.
lent is, after all, a time of inner-reflection; seeing how we ready ourselves for the gift of grace that rises in us at easter.
one of the things to pay attention to is movement. lent happens 'in-between times'; towards the end of winter and towards the beginning of spring. while we've been, perhaps, in doors far too much, this is the time to 'get out'. that's why i love these pictures of rainbows. besides a reminder of god's covenant with us about the promise of life, i would have missed this experience had i not simply walked outside.
be aware of your surroundings. pay particular attending ... to everything and everyone! who might god be placing at your feet, in your way, beside--before--behind you, and for what purpose? what might you be called to learn during this time? and for those who are wondering, yes, i am still walking! in fact, i have met my walking goal this quarter already, and i am walking toward a goal of matching funds for the 'no more malaria' (formally referred to as 'nothing but nets project') campaign.
this is a season about getting your affairs in order; prioritize! what do you need to be taking care of in your life? does a relationship need attending to; is your 'house' (literally and figuratively) need attention; how are you caring for your current and future finances? i've met a goal in the financial part of my life just this last week, and have been able to set another goal that will make a real difference in the way i am able to meet my obligations in the future. all these things in our lives take focus and dedication; thoughtful prayer and willpower -- the positive aspects this season and the life jesus shared and demonstrated for us. this is the season in which we learn to love, ourselves and others, more deeply.
one other aspect this season has called to to focus on is reading. while i love movies and become so involved in them that sometimes i wonder where the time went, i become even more involved in reading. i've been told that reading is much healthier as well; becoming engaged in reading keeps your mind active for longer periods of time, enriches one's vocabulary -- deep that google word-search handly! -- and you can learn something that may cause you to get out of yourself and make a difference in someone else's life.
for pleasure reading, i've just completed 'the count of monte christo'; i had never read it! for centering prayer, we are reading 'the untethered soul - the journey beyond yourself' by michael a. singer; for our small group study i am diving into adam hamilton's 'the way - waling in the footsteps of jesus' which will also serve as part of my worship preparation; and for expanding my humanity, i am reading one of the books on the united methodist women's book-list, 'half the sky - turning oppression into opportunity for women worldwide' by nicholas d. kristof and sheryl wudunn -- a look at the plight of human trafficking that plagues our world today.
busy and enriching times . . . what is engaging you in these days of reflection?
this picture to the left is from last tuesday's storm taken outside my office ... someone asked me if i rushed into the wesley hall (our social hall) to see if there was a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. no such luck, but it did get me to wondering about what one does during this season on waiting and preparing.
so i began to compile a list of things that i begin to pay attention to; perhaps they will entice you to pay particular attention to what is happening in your life and the world around you during this time.
lent is, after all, a time of inner-reflection; seeing how we ready ourselves for the gift of grace that rises in us at easter.
one of the things to pay attention to is movement. lent happens 'in-between times'; towards the end of winter and towards the beginning of spring. while we've been, perhaps, in doors far too much, this is the time to 'get out'. that's why i love these pictures of rainbows. besides a reminder of god's covenant with us about the promise of life, i would have missed this experience had i not simply walked outside.
be aware of your surroundings. pay particular attending ... to everything and everyone! who might god be placing at your feet, in your way, beside--before--behind you, and for what purpose? what might you be called to learn during this time? and for those who are wondering, yes, i am still walking! in fact, i have met my walking goal this quarter already, and i am walking toward a goal of matching funds for the 'no more malaria' (formally referred to as 'nothing but nets project') campaign.
this is a season about getting your affairs in order; prioritize! what do you need to be taking care of in your life? does a relationship need attending to; is your 'house' (literally and figuratively) need attention; how are you caring for your current and future finances? i've met a goal in the financial part of my life just this last week, and have been able to set another goal that will make a real difference in the way i am able to meet my obligations in the future. all these things in our lives take focus and dedication; thoughtful prayer and willpower -- the positive aspects this season and the life jesus shared and demonstrated for us. this is the season in which we learn to love, ourselves and others, more deeply.
one other aspect this season has called to to focus on is reading. while i love movies and become so involved in them that sometimes i wonder where the time went, i become even more involved in reading. i've been told that reading is much healthier as well; becoming engaged in reading keeps your mind active for longer periods of time, enriches one's vocabulary -- deep that google word-search handly! -- and you can learn something that may cause you to get out of yourself and make a difference in someone else's life.
for pleasure reading, i've just completed 'the count of monte christo'; i had never read it! for centering prayer, we are reading 'the untethered soul - the journey beyond yourself' by michael a. singer; for our small group study i am diving into adam hamilton's 'the way - waling in the footsteps of jesus' which will also serve as part of my worship preparation; and for expanding my humanity, i am reading one of the books on the united methodist women's book-list, 'half the sky - turning oppression into opportunity for women worldwide' by nicholas d. kristof and sheryl wudunn -- a look at the plight of human trafficking that plagues our world today.
busy and enriching times . . . what is engaging you in these days of reflection?
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