on the labyrinth, we do not get lost; in the midst of holy week, we are safe, and when we feel lost and alone and in need, we are found by the one who can only make us truly found. and so we continue to journey because we have no other way to go . . . one step at a time . . . through the uncertainty, and the chaos, and the pain and hurt and despair. we are not alone. we do not journey by ourselves; we move toward the longing in our hearts; we move toward the invitation to go deeper, to experience the newness; to live through the hopelessness, the emptiness, the shallowness of times in our life, and the warring nature of our world.
the sun sets. the sun rises. we continue to walk toward the light. easter is coming . . . easter is here!!!

the jesus that lived and taught and was crucified, is newly alive in a way that we can't fully explain. and so we simply move from our walking to our sharing; remembering and living with the living jesus in our midst. we can see him in the eyes of the lonely, the dying and grieving; the scared and the abused; the celebrative ones and the ones who don't even seem to care that jesus is in our midst.
our good news is that jesus cares; and because of this gracious gift of new life, we are called to care as well, no matter what!
so let me share the words of hope and remembrance and welcome that josh groban shared with us on sunday ... ok, his cd sang these words of cynthia weil, with music by james horner. but it was the next best thing to him being here with us ... because if we remember, we live by sharing . . . and if we forget, jesus remembers. we're covered on this journey of life, one step at a time!
Remember. I will still be here as long as you hold me in your memory.
Remember. When your dreams have ended, time can be transcended; just remember me.
I am the one star that keeps burning so brightly it is the last light to fade into the rising sun.I’m with you whenever you tell my story, for I am all I’ve done
I am that warm voice in the cold wind that whispers, and if you listen you’ll hear me call across the sky --
As long as I still can reach out and touch you, then I will never die.
Remember. I’ll never leave you, if you will only remember me.
Remember. When your dreams have ended, time can be transcended;
I live forever – remember me, remember me, remember me . . . .
May your steps through this season of easter be filled with the sharing of loving grace.
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