'twas the -- almost -- week before christmas and all through the community, the fog was now lifting so the frantic shoppers could finish! The wreath was finally hung on the parsonage front door with haste, as the pastor finally realized there wasn't much time left!
the services were planned with the utmost of care, seeking to be excellent and ready for the christmas worshippers who attended. the church was all decorated with poinsettias and candles, and the advent wreath was all ready for its lighting on saturday.
the christmas dinner was being readied by church elves with love, so that tonight we might welcome our neighborhood with warmth and good cheer; tables were set, music was tuning up nicely, and a story of the season was ready to be shared.
in the pastor's study, gifts were being prepared for the outreach by the men's group -- the third year we've given out socks! e-mails were being returned, plans for 2012 were being addressed, and unpredictable events were also being fixed. no wonder this season is so hectic but nice, for very kind angels were ready to lend their aid.
the sun, how it shown through the cloud-covering like 'good cheer', no racket on the room -- a good sign that we didn't have a leak; the pikes hadn't frozen; the bills were getting paid-- a first in a long time -- even in this economy, we're seeking to respond to the many needs of others -- a year of hallelujahs and amens; god has blessed us in some way, everyone!
and with no fears to contend with, the week will progress; less frantic, less hectic, less troublesome, less chaotic; on time, on budget, on a wing and on a prayer. we're ready. we're waiting. we're hopeful and peaceful. we anticipate the joy. we anticipate the love.
come christmas eve the star will shine, the music will chime and the voices will sing. one final gift that needs to be placed in his place; baby jesus will arrive and give us all a new life!

merry christmas to all -- and come see jesus saturday night (8 pm).
(this nativity was placed on the altar this year, and was gifted with a barn. we celebrate the gift of love returning again this year, and hope that each and everyone will be able to embrace that love and extend such love to others in the year to come. christmas is not only one night long, but happens each and every time love is shared. may you be the love the world so desperately needs! you don't have to rhyme; just look at me! it is the sentiment that is the most important to spread!)
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