if you were to think of this blog as going 'trick or treating', you will notice that you have three visits in which to receive treats....no tricks here! and we'll do a sort of "ginger rogers" -- going backwards, but not in high heals; only in costume!
the first treat is a poem by j. barrie shepherd. it is entitled november one. we usually consider november first as 'all saint's day' in the church; some cultures call it the 'day of the dead', in which we remember those who have gone before us; family members, loved one, mentors in the faith and so on. we remember those who have died in the past year at our church on the first sunday of november. as a tribute, i share this poem by shepherd:
'to all the saints, god bless 'em, we dedicate this day
in hopes that from eternal bliss they'll spare a thought,
or blow a kiss, in sympathy for all who miss
the straight and narrow way.'
and so we remember wonderful people this past year, who offered us love, and care and a glimpse of god here on earth. we have been blessed . . . .
the second treat recognizes our halloween carnival; the first in a long time here at the church. we saw many unique characters, and had a wonderful time! proceeds from the event went to two places -- unicef, to care for the severe famine happening in the horn of africa, and well as umcor -- united methodist committee on relief, who respond instantly to any disaster throughout the world. we are proud to support mission in this way, and have some fun at the same time....
so, to all to
the first picture of this great treat, i add the adult costume party. so often we are so amazed at the little ones, that we forget the adults to come with a heart of children on all hallows' eve. this is the night we poke fun at the things we do not understand . . . spooks, and unexplained phenomenons, and even death itself.

for the spiritually faithful, we know to whom we belong, and we do not fear death, at least in theory. halloween is the night we get to have fun. and we did! neighbors, friends and family enjoyed a cake walk (we had enough cakes to feed eternity, i believe), a positive fortune teller, who shared that we were all children of god, a bean-bag toss, bowling, face painting, a basketball toss, fishing game, guessing game, duck pond, hot dogs and nachos, and, of course, a haunted house...great fun that concluded with a costume judging contest -- with great prizes! we do holidays up right!
the third treat was experienced by me as moving day; daughter kristen (who turned 23 on halloween!) and boyfriend ben moved to the oakland hills...what a tough sacrifice!
the third treat was experienced by me as moving day; daughter kristen (who turned 23 on halloween!) and boyfriend ben moved to the oakland hills...what a tough sacrifice!

here is a picture of the bay area from their bedroom porch; i know it will be so tough for them to have to sit there and have their morning coffee; i feel so sorry for them....perhaps i could offer to make the sacrifice for them . . . .

then, of course, there is the sunset; another tough break to sip wine and relax while unwinding from the day....do you think i should offer another sacrifice to sit out there on their behalf? gosh, it is a touch job, but someone has got to do it! what a beautiful view, don't you think? ah...to be young and in love....
ok, back to reality. so my treat was to spend time with this wonderful couple, helping them move in and visit with their very friendly dog ace.
ace really is, literally, a hand-full, but only when you are holding him. otherwise, he is good as gold.
and kristen and ben are delightful; what a treat to watch them grow and share life with each other and those who cross their path.

ace really is, literally, a hand-full, but only when you are holding him. otherwise, he is good as gold.
and kristen and ben are delightful; what a treat to watch them grow and share life with each other and those who cross their path.
and so, you've been treated to three gifts today; all memories of things we can do to enrich the world; remember those who have helped us be the best person we can be . . . share the blessings we have received with others, and have a little fun in the process . . . and spend time in the beauty of the day, sharing a little love and giving thanks for the gift of life.
i ask you; could life get any better than this?
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