Tuesday, September 20, 2011

being 53 doesn't make me wise!

you know, as i headed to the church this morning, i got to thinking about what i was going to blog about today; then i turned on my computer. all that to say, being 53 doesn't make me any wiser than when i was 52.

what did i expect?! i was 52 on friday and 53 on saturday. what a difference a day makes...well, not really! my birthday celebration began on friday when a number of kind church folks took me out to lunch; lunch and dessert the pastor...what a grand idea. on saturday, the day of the anniversary of my birth, i traveled to be with family and friends for, well yes, lunch and dessert. another grand idea!

then on sunday, more dessert, as coffee fellowship had a cake and singing...for me; blush, blush, enough already! but so very kind.

today is tuesday, and i don't feel any more wise than i did on friday...although i am happy to report that by the time i got to the cake table on sunday, there was no more cake left. that may be the wisest choice i make now that i am 53 -- stay away from the cake table! at sunday school that day -- our new high school group with seven, count them 7(!) youth, there were carrots on the table; a healthier 53rd year beginning.

so, if i did have some wisdom, for all my vast years of experience, what would i share?

1. when your mom can't remember it's your birthday, don't take it personally. mom is at the point now that, at least she remembers the sound of my voice. she thinks she is moving, and she isn't, but she is preparing for it none the less. but she is happy, and perhaps since she has always been an active person, she can't handle being idle. i don't know what to suggest, as she won't get involved in the activities in her new home setting. but, taking things out of her drawers doesn't sound like a wise choice either. does someone have wisdom on this subject?

2. when you return to your office after a holiday, perhaps the first thing to do is NOT turn on your computer. read your mail first...over your recycling container. ease into the work-week by visiting the sanctuary for prayer, walking the campus to see how it looks, visiting with staff, checking on the construction progress of the indoor restrooms in the wesley hall -- finally, we'll have indoor plumbing!!! then, turn on your computer...play a game of solitaire...and when all else fails -- when you just can't stand it any longer -- check your inbox. and while that is coming on line, go for coffee! i'm not really been a procrastinator, but, at 53, maybe this is a good time to learn!

3. do something that helps you be grounded. being grounded means knowing that everything doesn't have to be done in an instant, and that sometimes 'being swift' isn't as necessary as 'being thoughtful'. while i may text and facebook friends to congratulate us on overcoming another piece of sexism in our society -- at least in law, as 'don't ask, don't tell' eliminates the potential to do away with something the church has called 'homophobia' for years -- my hope is that it will actually become a reality, not simply a law. now, if the church could just get its act together, maybe we could really 'combat' things like poverty, malnutrition, and abuse -- to name just a few of the issues jesus pointed out over 2,000 years ago. i texted and facebooked friends, that's the swift part. but i have some notes to write...by hand, with a pen...that's the thoughtful part. that is what keeps me grounded. being grounded takes times. if we would only take the time....

well, another year hasn't made me any wiser, perhaps, but maybe more aware of my responsibility to respond to the ways of jesus. i have a friend, when he wants a yes or no answer, asks, 'what do you think'? in this case, not always wanting to be a polarized thinker, i would say, 'let's stay focused on what jesus said'. that would be the 'yes' answer he would want.

now, back to my mounting e-mails! no rest for the pastor. i guess this means that the dessert table is really empty!

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