easter continues, after the long season of lent,
for 50 days ... and on the 50th day, we celebrate
pentecost -- the celebration of the 50th day,
when the spirit of god enfolds us and empowers
us and we become the witnesses of the faith!
what an awesome task! we become "adults in
the faith" so to speak, and our invitation is to
share the good news.
united methodists throughout the northern
california area and north-western nevada will
be working in small groups to 'catch fire' over the
next 50 days in a study called, oddly enough, 'catch fire in 50 days'. this study is a daily devotional, and you are invited to participate! go to www.catchfirein50days.com and you too
can 'catch fire'!
the picture above is from our good friday activity; it is our labyrinth that we place in our wesley hall, and invite people to 'pray the labyrinth'. taking this spiritual walk is amazing. you simply let yourself be with god; you can't get lost, and it is very empowering to listen to what you and god have to say to one another.
who knew that during this season as lent was ending and preparations were made on saturday for the easter vigil, that there were be a tragic car accident involving students from our uc merced campus. a loss of control caused a care with four students to run into a pole. we prayed for them and their families and their friends and other students during easter services. the time when we celebrate the most is on easter, and yet, tragedy strikes our community.
if there can possibly be any good news in this event, it is that the easter message is abundant, and that easter continues ... no matter what! we believe that god's grace is bigger than we can ever know, and that in the midst of shock and death, god's holding of us continues, so that new life may unfold, and tragedy may not overcome us.
'in the midst of life, we are in death' we are reminded. it is only through grace that we have hope to live every step of the way ... and beyond what we can even perceive. there are not words to ease such tragedy of young life. and yet, we are called to continue to offer the good news that there is life that comes from death. it is through compassionate relationship that we can get through the tragedy and see beyond our tears into the hope of the days to come.
prayer can be a healing path for our grief. in the labyrinth, i am able to truly 'let go, and let god'; there is healing, and there is love, and even in the midst of death, i know there is easter. may this be your experience as well . . . .
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