Tuesday, March 29, 2011

what to do with a bishop . . . .

so, what does one do with a bishop? if you are playing chess, you move up two and over one, or over two and up one. but when a real live living bishop comes to visit, you . . . eat a lot, and visit a lot, and listen a lot, and keep things moving...a lot! bishop warner brown of the california-nevada annual conference, san francisco area, visited the central valley district over the week-end. what was so unique to me, nearly 30 years as a pastor, is that he arrived by train! an environmentally friendly bishop...who knew?! he stopped in modesto, to experience the mark wharff circuit meeting, then traveled to merced to lunch and learn about the wesley foundation and wesley clubs at the u c merced campus and merced community college, and take a tour of the campus. then on to madera for a visit and dinner. saturday was spent in an all day meeting, with questions and answers....here at the merced church! our united methodist women put on a great continental breakfast for 150; the wesley foundation board put on a superb potato bar at lunch; people got to ask all kinds of questions, and heard the insight and vision of the bishop. a rare opportunity to be 'up close and personal' about ministry locally and globally. then on to sushi with the Bishop and a night of entertainment at our own playhouse merced, with the lively production of 'chicago'! most entertaining indeed! after a nights rest, it was worship with the bishop preaching about life-changing conversations; the woman at the well in conversation with jesus. engaging music by the 'wings of hope'. fellowship time moved into a cultural luncheon and combined service with our hmong congregations from clovis and merced. a quick cup of coffee and then the train....on time and everything! the sun shined, and all went well. is it time for a nap yet??? so, if you are looking for a time for reflection, why not read john 4:23-42. and then ponder how you might respond to this 'life changing conversation'....

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