Tuesday, December 28, 2010

fortune (cookies) as we turn toward 2011

merry christmas . . . and a happy new year!

i've been so fortunate during the holidays; so blessed with good tidings of great joy. i am hoping the same for you!

i finally cleaned out my wallet from chinese food resturants during the year; i keep the fortunes i receive; mostly, because they seem to be a gift -- even when i have no idea what they mean! and i get to see how to say a word in another language. fortunes remind me of being with good people sharing a meal, enjoying conversation and sharing the joy. asian food is a gift for this season!

tradition has it that i usually greet the new year with chinese food and a movie. no clue about this year, but, there is a good chance that i'll receive another fortune!

what are you fortunate about? what sense of fortune do you get from tearing open a fortune cookie and trying to figure out its meaning?

so to help you along . . . here are my fortunes for 2010; not all, but a sampling . . .

a smile is nearly always inspired by another smile. friend: peng you

change your thoughts and you change the world. drink: liao

example is better than perception. sandwich: san ming zhi

love is as necessary to human beings as food and shelter. winter: dong tian

it is better to have beans and bacon in peace than cakes and ale in fear. {i can't wait to hear what some of you will do with this one!} vegetable: shu cai

a smile is a curve that can get a lot of things straight. foot: jiao

advancement will come with hard work. to eat: chi

courage comes through suffering. {not sure i agree; do you?} eye: yan jing

a ship in harbor is safe, but that's not why ships are built. {ah, i like that; risky!} drink: liao

i guess there was a need for me to learn 'drink' twice. wisdom comes from so many sources. i am blessed to be gifted with many friends who are very wise. thank you for making my year so complete! i look forward to 2011 with you, my true fortune. i'm so fortunate, cookie! peace. . .

1 comment:

  1. I do the same thing with my fortunes- I stuff them in my wallet! How funny. I think they are encouraging and inspiring, even if they are only silly pieces of paper. I put down my thoughts for a few of the fortunes you so kindly wrote out here.

    "Courage comes through suffering" <-- I can fully agree with that one. In a lot of cases, people have courage when they have suffered themselves or especially if they have seen their loved ones suffer.

    "A ship in harbor is safe, but that's not why ships are built" <-- I think that we, as humans, are supposed to explore and communicate and take journeys, whether they be emotional or spiritual or actual physical journeys. Make something of the world by putting yourself out there.

    "A smile is nearly always inspired by another smile." <-- Did you know that if you smile to yourself in a mirror when you are unhappy, you WILL feel happier (and probably smile more!). Psych studies have proven this. Your own smile to yourself in a mirror can bring you smiles! It's like a never-ending cycle...
