i don't know how florists and nurseries do it, making sure their flowers bloom at precisely the 'right' time! i suspect this must be their skill. as people bring in their flowers in preparation for the decorating of the sanctuary on saturday, our church entry is spectacular to behold!
i am always amazed and appreciate flowers b4 the end of holy week; they remind me of the dilemma which is presented to us; a reminder that we can walk to the end because we know already what is at the end; the message that we live . . . . death does not have the last word even though the end is very real.
and so during this preparation for easter, which happens during the entire week, is this truthful reminder: we live in-between the time of endings and beginnings; in-between the 'it has happened' and the 'not yet'. yet even so, when my mom's cymbidium orchid began to bloom just before palm sunday, i kept saying, 'no! not yet! it's too early!' but it wouldn't listen. what's the message it was giving? i suppose the message is this: it is never too early to be on the journey to new life. we can't always plan the 'right and perfect time'. and we can't stop a flower from blooming, or the stones from shouting either 'injustice!' or 'hallelujah'!
so we must live through this time; the in-between, appreciating even when the flowers bloom "too early".
but what is 'too early'? could it be that the flowers are a word of encouragement to our journey. perhaps they are a reminder that we cannot stop what is happening, but must journey forth and do what must be done, preparing for the ancient reminder 'christ is risen; risen indeed'!
so, come what may, this is the time when we ready our hearts and minds for the gripping tale and the miraculous story that feeds our faith and makes our blooms, blossom! this is our season to grow and respond and live in the faith. more importantly, this is our time to share. don't try to keep the blooms from their expression. rather, let them lead us to faithfully share.
our story has no end; let this message not be silenced!
i will be away next week. let the celebration continue!
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
finding pleasure in lent . . . it's a god thing!
if lent is supposed to be a solemn, reflective time, i'm failing miserably -- or, perhaps, happily! for i am finding pleasure in lent, and i think that's a god thing!
i really have been taking this season seriously. i prayerfully reflected before this season began upon the things i needed to be concentrating upon; i listened to see if these were in line with the spiritual path i was to walk; i sensed god saying, 'yes'. so, i put this plan into action and set my goals.
one goal was to continue, well . . . walking! a spiritual discipline is good self-care. the goal placed upon me was 5,000 heartmiles, plus an additional 3,000 heartmiles that would benefit the care for those at risk of malaria. even with my pedometer acting up, i was able to complete both of these goals this past week. and, not only that! i discovered that i am moving away from being so concerned about my pedometer acting up and more focused on maintaining my care of self and soul.
have you ever found that working toward a goal caused you to begin looking at the bigger picture? how awesome to know that my walking can be a benefit for someone else! who knew?! that could only be a god thing, don't you think?
as a marriage and family therapist, i am required to complete 36 hours of continuing education during a two year cycle. these hours also count toward the requirement i has as a pastor to complete 80 hours in four years. that was my second goal during lent; to complete the 36 hours i needed for my september renewal. i completed those hours this week-end!
i am committed to being a life-long learner; how about you? is there a way you can continue to learn...subscribe to a magazine that has nothing to do with the field you are invested in, or read a book on a subject that will benefit you when you say, 'hum, i didn't know that!' keeping our minds active and engaged in the world allows us to be attentive to the needs of others; a very 'god thing'.
as a 'reward' for completing these two things, i spent my day off yesterday doing yard-work. now, before you say that doesn't sound like a lenten spiritual practice, let me explain how this particular event came to be. in the realm of 'united methodist clergy', this is the time of year when our bishop makes decisions about where united methodist clergy will be assigned come july 1st. this can be very anxiety producing for us, as well as our families, and local congregations! three of my colleagues who hadn't planned on moving have been moved so far this year!!! so on my walk monday morning, while my pedometer was acting up and not really counting my steps, i had a little heart to heart with god....
and the conclusion i came to was that i needed to get my house in order, metaphorically speaking. and i took that to mean, i needed to "nest". and for those who know me, needing to do 'productive busy work' helps keep my mind off of too much thinking! i could imagine i'd be called by the bishop to serve greater (or lesser) out-of-merced, and i'd be like, "but i'm not ready! i've work to do!
god said, 'get your house in order -- just cause!' and so i took that to mean, clean up my yard for spring and enjoy! (isn't that how you'd take it if you didn't want YOUR bishop to call?!) besides, while i was doing all this yard work, my phone was in the house...out of sight, out of mind!
so, at least for the remainder of this season, i get to enjoy the work i've done in my yard; this brings me joy and pleasure and has less calories than chocolate! i've more work to do, but, there is one more monday left in lent!
still, i do have one more goal to achieve; one i cannot really keep putting off; it will not take long, but it means i have to actually attend to it. perhaps a little more prayer, another walk around the neighborhood, and some more work in the yard will help!
are you finding pleasure this lent? and is it a god thing for you, too?
i really have been taking this season seriously. i prayerfully reflected before this season began upon the things i needed to be concentrating upon; i listened to see if these were in line with the spiritual path i was to walk; i sensed god saying, 'yes'. so, i put this plan into action and set my goals.
one goal was to continue, well . . . walking! a spiritual discipline is good self-care. the goal placed upon me was 5,000 heartmiles, plus an additional 3,000 heartmiles that would benefit the care for those at risk of malaria. even with my pedometer acting up, i was able to complete both of these goals this past week. and, not only that! i discovered that i am moving away from being so concerned about my pedometer acting up and more focused on maintaining my care of self and soul.
have you ever found that working toward a goal caused you to begin looking at the bigger picture? how awesome to know that my walking can be a benefit for someone else! who knew?! that could only be a god thing, don't you think?
as a marriage and family therapist, i am required to complete 36 hours of continuing education during a two year cycle. these hours also count toward the requirement i has as a pastor to complete 80 hours in four years. that was my second goal during lent; to complete the 36 hours i needed for my september renewal. i completed those hours this week-end!
i am committed to being a life-long learner; how about you? is there a way you can continue to learn...subscribe to a magazine that has nothing to do with the field you are invested in, or read a book on a subject that will benefit you when you say, 'hum, i didn't know that!' keeping our minds active and engaged in the world allows us to be attentive to the needs of others; a very 'god thing'.
as a 'reward' for completing these two things, i spent my day off yesterday doing yard-work. now, before you say that doesn't sound like a lenten spiritual practice, let me explain how this particular event came to be. in the realm of 'united methodist clergy', this is the time of year when our bishop makes decisions about where united methodist clergy will be assigned come july 1st. this can be very anxiety producing for us, as well as our families, and local congregations! three of my colleagues who hadn't planned on moving have been moved so far this year!!! so on my walk monday morning, while my pedometer was acting up and not really counting my steps, i had a little heart to heart with god....
and the conclusion i came to was that i needed to get my house in order, metaphorically speaking. and i took that to mean, i needed to "nest". and for those who know me, needing to do 'productive busy work' helps keep my mind off of too much thinking! i could imagine i'd be called by the bishop to serve greater (or lesser) out-of-merced, and i'd be like, "but i'm not ready! i've work to do!
god said, 'get your house in order -- just cause!' and so i took that to mean, clean up my yard for spring and enjoy! (isn't that how you'd take it if you didn't want YOUR bishop to call?!) besides, while i was doing all this yard work, my phone was in the house...out of sight, out of mind!
so, at least for the remainder of this season, i get to enjoy the work i've done in my yard; this brings me joy and pleasure and has less calories than chocolate! i've more work to do, but, there is one more monday left in lent!
still, i do have one more goal to achieve; one i cannot really keep putting off; it will not take long, but it means i have to actually attend to it. perhaps a little more prayer, another walk around the neighborhood, and some more work in the yard will help!
are you finding pleasure this lent? and is it a god thing for you, too?
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
is it really spring?
i happened to go outside my front door yesterday, during the day...usual, in that often i drive out of the house, or i return when the sun has gone down.
but yesterday, after finishing some work, i went for a walk during the daylight hours (as opposed to 5 in the morning), and, for a moment, i thought someone had planted flowers in my yard! i did remember planting these last fall, but who knew 'spring had sprung' in merced?!
and, of course, purple, to match the season. we are moving toward easter (and i do not plan to dig them up once the season is over); but, for now, this beautiful plant is a reminder that life comes after winter...in spite of being neglected all winter, with hardly any water or not even a passing glace as i went for my walks in the morning, which is how i missed the fact that change had happened. in spite of my lack of attentiveness, this plant not only survived, but has thrived!
now, how do i relate this to my own life? i've been rather focused on myself and the church--really a tie in the 'paying attention' department. so, how is it that i've overlooked these flowers?
my only response, after pondering this question myself today, is that i've stayed focused, but perhaps missed, while not perhaps the bigger picture, certainly some of the details. and, not only that, the details change very quickly...a reminder to pay closer attention. and yet, as i think about it, those flowers were not there two weeks ago, when i noticed my backyard tree starting to 'leaf-out'. maybe, in all honesty, these flowers just suddenly "appeared", like the time change creeping up on us!
whatever happened, and however these flowers appeared, i am aware now. and isn't this a great picture?! not because i took it (which is more miraculous than to be 'awed' over), but because this is a picture of renewed life! in spite of everything, the seasons change, flowers bloom; easter comes despite our never being quite ready. easter isn't like christmas when we may not have our house trimmed completely or the cards sent out or the gifts completely wrapped. no, easter is about the fact that we're not always spiritually ready.
and that makes me chuckle a little because the reality is, GOD is always ready; more than ready, actually, to send forth grace and beauty and love -- reminders that life is all around us, and in us, and shared through us. what a wonderful message! just like receiving a bouquet of flowers at your doorstep; flowers you weren't expecting, but you're glad their there!
so take some time this week, to remember that easter is on its way. . .thanks be to god!

but yesterday, after finishing some work, i went for a walk during the daylight hours (as opposed to 5 in the morning), and, for a moment, i thought someone had planted flowers in my yard! i did remember planting these last fall, but who knew 'spring had sprung' in merced?!
and, of course, purple, to match the season. we are moving toward easter (and i do not plan to dig them up once the season is over); but, for now, this beautiful plant is a reminder that life comes after winter...in spite of being neglected all winter, with hardly any water or not even a passing glace as i went for my walks in the morning, which is how i missed the fact that change had happened. in spite of my lack of attentiveness, this plant not only survived, but has thrived!
now, how do i relate this to my own life? i've been rather focused on myself and the church--really a tie in the 'paying attention' department. so, how is it that i've overlooked these flowers?
my only response, after pondering this question myself today, is that i've stayed focused, but perhaps missed, while not perhaps the bigger picture, certainly some of the details. and, not only that, the details change very quickly...a reminder to pay closer attention. and yet, as i think about it, those flowers were not there two weeks ago, when i noticed my backyard tree starting to 'leaf-out'. maybe, in all honesty, these flowers just suddenly "appeared", like the time change creeping up on us!
whatever happened, and however these flowers appeared, i am aware now. and isn't this a great picture?! not because i took it (which is more miraculous than to be 'awed' over), but because this is a picture of renewed life! in spite of everything, the seasons change, flowers bloom; easter comes despite our never being quite ready. easter isn't like christmas when we may not have our house trimmed completely or the cards sent out or the gifts completely wrapped. no, easter is about the fact that we're not always spiritually ready.
and that makes me chuckle a little because the reality is, GOD is always ready; more than ready, actually, to send forth grace and beauty and love -- reminders that life is all around us, and in us, and shared through us. what a wonderful message! just like receiving a bouquet of flowers at your doorstep; flowers you weren't expecting, but you're glad their there!
so take some time this week, to remember that easter is on its way. . .thanks be to god!
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
midway through the journey
we have completed three sundays during lent, so we are midway through the journey. one never knows what one will experience on this journey; paying attention helps.
on sunday, most of the pg&e power in merced was off, for the morning. this made for an interesting worship time. but just as we were praying, particularly for those whom power is a necessity and for those working to resolve the issue, the lights came back on. really! god truly works in mysterious ways.
i won't bore you with the fact that my pedometer needed a new battery AGAIN, but i did get in an extra walk yesterday!
the journey of life takes us through experiences we do not always fore-see, as well as invites us to pay attention to things that we do see in new and exciting ways.
for instance, i've been walking the same route for about half-a-year, and i've noticed people who move in and out; i get to know the dogs and cats in the neighborhood, and anticipate which houses will "bark" at me....i've tried walking VERY quietly on thursday and sunday mornings when i leave my house by 5:15....but, alas, dogs know. but i don't seem to scare the cats as much these days!
but midway through the journey, i've become accustomed to an owl, small like the one found in the movie 'out of africa' that is a companion to meryl streep's character, karen blixen. this owl does not seem to nest high on a light-post, but in a hole on the ground, where i've seen rabbits, ground squirrels, and a fox find their homes. i don't know a whole lot about owls, but they always seemed nocturnal to me, and somewhat vulnerable during daylight hours...to live on the ground seems like an invitation to trouble.
but then i remember jesus' life, and how, for the most part, he didn't run for cover every time someone disagreed with him, or even tried eliminate him from their community. so i'm thinking, this must be a very brave owl. it is beautiful as it takes flight, soaring seemingly effortlessly. 'free as a bird'. i don't know what that is like. but i wonder; it gives me something to think about while i walk.
i try not to think of the things i need to accomplish before this journey of lent is completed. one cannot very easily say during this season, 'oh well; there's always tomorrow' because the days are ticking down. the journey moves forward, with or without us. so that old saying, 'never put off tomorrow what you can/need to do today' fits very well.
if you haven't started (whatever) yet, it isn't too late, although time is moving on and does not wait. so, midway through this journey might be the time to reflect where you have been and where you are going in this time of your journey. are you sticking with your goals? have you made an impact on someone else's life? what difference has someone made in you, and have you been able to share that appreciation with them or 'paid it forward'?!
midway through the journey . . . . are you finding the depth in your spiritual life that you are seeking; if you are, awesome! continue on your way! if you are not, what changes in your life need to happen for your to find that deeper sacred place . . . . and when that answer comes to you, journey in that way.....
on sunday, most of the pg&e power in merced was off, for the morning. this made for an interesting worship time. but just as we were praying, particularly for those whom power is a necessity and for those working to resolve the issue, the lights came back on. really! god truly works in mysterious ways.
i won't bore you with the fact that my pedometer needed a new battery AGAIN, but i did get in an extra walk yesterday!
the journey of life takes us through experiences we do not always fore-see, as well as invites us to pay attention to things that we do see in new and exciting ways.
for instance, i've been walking the same route for about half-a-year, and i've noticed people who move in and out; i get to know the dogs and cats in the neighborhood, and anticipate which houses will "bark" at me....i've tried walking VERY quietly on thursday and sunday mornings when i leave my house by 5:15....but, alas, dogs know. but i don't seem to scare the cats as much these days!
but midway through the journey, i've become accustomed to an owl, small like the one found in the movie 'out of africa' that is a companion to meryl streep's character, karen blixen. this owl does not seem to nest high on a light-post, but in a hole on the ground, where i've seen rabbits, ground squirrels, and a fox find their homes. i don't know a whole lot about owls, but they always seemed nocturnal to me, and somewhat vulnerable during daylight hours...to live on the ground seems like an invitation to trouble.
but then i remember jesus' life, and how, for the most part, he didn't run for cover every time someone disagreed with him, or even tried eliminate him from their community. so i'm thinking, this must be a very brave owl. it is beautiful as it takes flight, soaring seemingly effortlessly. 'free as a bird'. i don't know what that is like. but i wonder; it gives me something to think about while i walk.
i try not to think of the things i need to accomplish before this journey of lent is completed. one cannot very easily say during this season, 'oh well; there's always tomorrow' because the days are ticking down. the journey moves forward, with or without us. so that old saying, 'never put off tomorrow what you can/need to do today' fits very well.
if you haven't started (whatever) yet, it isn't too late, although time is moving on and does not wait. so, midway through this journey might be the time to reflect where you have been and where you are going in this time of your journey. are you sticking with your goals? have you made an impact on someone else's life? what difference has someone made in you, and have you been able to share that appreciation with them or 'paid it forward'?!
midway through the journey . . . . are you finding the depth in your spiritual life that you are seeking; if you are, awesome! continue on your way! if you are not, what changes in your life need to happen for your to find that deeper sacred place . . . . and when that answer comes to you, journey in that way.....
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