it is tuesday, the week of preparation for so many things . . . . a transition into a new (christian) year, preparation for advent and christmas, and of course, the hectic preparations for our united methodist women's christmas bazaar entitled 'angels among us' (saturday, 9-1:30). all of this will be an awesome experience....really; not to be missed.
and, as i was driving to our church building this morning, i was reminded of what today is...actually, i was reminded what friday and monday were, and informed about what today is. friday was 'black friday'. monday was 'cyber monday', and today is 'giving tuesday'. giving tuesday? should i run out and purchase a hallmark card? to whom would i send it?
so, let's unpack these particular days a bit...who in the world came up with the term black friday for the day after thanksgiving? that term originated, i believe, as the historical day in 1929 when the stock market crashed. doesn't it seem a bit odd to term the day after thanksgiving with such a negative term as we make preparations to celebrate the gift of new life? it might be best not to get me started on how we lost thanksgiving this year, but, i really cannot resist commenting.
whose idea was it to open stores on thanksgiving anyway...camping out the week before so that we can save a bunch of money for door-busters that we do not absolutely need?! good heavens; what has become of our priorities, the necessities of life, and sharing with others out of the abundance of our lives?! not to mention what happened to employees of those stores who were forced to come in to work. honestly, santa's elves did not show up to prepare the way for thanksgiving shoppers.
having made the decision not to shop on thanksgiving, i couldn't help stopping on my way home to view the 'christmas shopping extravaganza experience'. i was curious in an 'i can't believe i'm doing this sort of way' -- i stopped at the super walmart just off the freeway in atwater, just to see what there was to see. shopping began at 9 pm, i believe. but i was driving by at 6:45 pm, and noticed the parking lot full of cars; no line to get in -- the store was already open! and crowds of people with shopping carts, just waiting in the aisles, which were stuffed with covered items that said 'black friday' -- such an offensive term! families were there for the duration, awaiting, not the anticipation of the light, but the magical hour of 9 pm. i could not get out of that store fast enough!
and away from the stores i stayed this entire week-end! and shopping on line on monday? call me old fashioned, but i also missed the era of catalogue shopping. i'm very tactile; i like to touch and review and see what i am purchasing. granted, i miss a lot of deals, but i rarely have to return anything. of course, i don't do much shopping. the world economy, thank goodness, is not dependent on me!
however, i did offer my help to the economy on monday, by shopping at marshall's. my travel coffee mug broke. (thank you for your sympathy). i have long felt that purchasing a beverage in disposable cups creates too much waste. so i have several cups for the purpose of saving the environment -- mainly because i forget to bring mine when i decide to spontaneously want a beverage.
not knowing this to be 'giving tuesday', i am happy to report that i used my recycled-made coffee cup to purchase decaf coffee from a locally owned coffee shop this morning. somehow, on a day like today, it makes sense to me to 'give back' to the environment -- and to future generations, a little less waste, and a little more support for locally owned. and, by using my own cup, the price of my coffee was discounted; how awesome is that! all in all a truly 'giving tuesday'!
it seems silly, i think, to be making such a fuss about all of this, as we begin preparations for christmas. i need to be focusing on inviting the people with whom i am interacting, to focus their lives on welcoming hope, peace, love and joy into their lives, and in turn sharing those same ideals with others. am i a little old fashioned? am i longing for yester-year? i may be a bit old-fashioned, but i believe i am not longing for 'the good old days'. i believe each year we are offered an opportunity to re-establish our lives and our world with hope, with peace, with love, and with joy. these are the items we cannot purchase and cannot be found on sale or on a clearance shelf. they are things that we have; they are things we share.
if you feel the same, i invite you to start giving, today; not because it is 'giving tuesday', nor because you'll change the world overnight, but because the gift of new life begins with a change in our own life. i don't want to make myself crazy in this season, and i invite others to do the same. maybe 'all is calm; all is bright' is simply an ideal. but sitting with coffee in my cup this morning, i felt calm -- seems like a bright way to start my week . . . .
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
thanksgiving post-al
so i did a powerpoint presentation in sunday's service; and i might even comment that i'm thankful it is over. sometimes we envision things and the thing that we see seems to have come from different eyes.
but none-the-less, there is absolutely nothing wrong with yosemite, for those who have eyes to see. no matter what the season, the grandeur and beauty of god's creation presented in that park is beyond words, really.
sit in silence, and you can hear the breath of god...i kid you not!
and so i am thankful ... are you? at this time of the year, we get to pause and lift up what brings us to utter the words thank you....
i got a call from daughter kristen last night, informing me that she had been side-swiped while driving home for work...i'm thankful she is safe, not much damage to her car, that she had the where-with-all to get the make and licence of the car the did not stop as she held her phone in her hand .... i'm very proud of my 24 year old...she even waited to call me until it was safe. i'm thankful she was calm enough to be mature about how to handle a crisis; she's an adult, now...really!
i'm thankful i had offers to attend thanksgiving...of course, that isn't really the reason i am thankful; i am thankful about knowing kind people, associating with people who offer grace, not because they have to, but because it is who they are.... i am thankful that i can say no and people not be offended, but say...'well, if your situation changes....' i'm thankful i am good-enough friends with my ex-wife natalie, that i can be included in family situations. i'm thankful to be associated with people who offer a place in their homes to strangers on thanksgiving; that undoubtedly people share what they have; we are truly a society in which so many people, but not all, have an over-abundance -- and are willing to share. i'm thankful i know people who will be serving others this holiday.
and i am thankful i have all that i need. not always do i have everything that i want, but i have a car that runs, a house that is warm and cool when i want it to be; running water with a washer and dryer that i do not have to put quarters into.
i'm thankful to have a job, that i can pay my taxes that supports others who are struggling ... and while i don't like everything my tax dollars go for, i am thankful i can do something about that as well!
i'm thankful i was able to experience yosemite, and see the trees, and bridal vale falls with snow, and spend time being renewed and strengthened.
and i am thankful for you, who has taken the time to spend a little of your time in reflection this year with my ponderings. may you experience the rich blessings that are around you ... all the days of your life. and share the goodness ... such a gift of grace!
but none-the-less, there is absolutely nothing wrong with yosemite, for those who have eyes to see. no matter what the season, the grandeur and beauty of god's creation presented in that park is beyond words, really.
sit in silence, and you can hear the breath of god...i kid you not!
and so i am thankful ... are you? at this time of the year, we get to pause and lift up what brings us to utter the words thank you....
i got a call from daughter kristen last night, informing me that she had been side-swiped while driving home for work...i'm thankful she is safe, not much damage to her car, that she had the where-with-all to get the make and licence of the car the did not stop as she held her phone in her hand .... i'm very proud of my 24 year old...she even waited to call me until it was safe. i'm thankful she was calm enough to be mature about how to handle a crisis; she's an adult, now...really!
i'm thankful i had offers to attend thanksgiving...of course, that isn't really the reason i am thankful; i am thankful about knowing kind people, associating with people who offer grace, not because they have to, but because it is who they are.... i am thankful that i can say no and people not be offended, but say...'well, if your situation changes....' i'm thankful i am good-enough friends with my ex-wife natalie, that i can be included in family situations. i'm thankful to be associated with people who offer a place in their homes to strangers on thanksgiving; that undoubtedly people share what they have; we are truly a society in which so many people, but not all, have an over-abundance -- and are willing to share. i'm thankful i know people who will be serving others this holiday.
and i am thankful i have all that i need. not always do i have everything that i want, but i have a car that runs, a house that is warm and cool when i want it to be; running water with a washer and dryer that i do not have to put quarters into.
i'm thankful to have a job, that i can pay my taxes that supports others who are struggling ... and while i don't like everything my tax dollars go for, i am thankful i can do something about that as well!
i'm thankful i was able to experience yosemite, and see the trees, and bridal vale falls with snow, and spend time being renewed and strengthened.
and i am thankful for you, who has taken the time to spend a little of your time in reflection this year with my ponderings. may you experience the rich blessings that are around you ... all the days of your life. and share the goodness ... such a gift of grace!
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
the 'fall' assignment
i was asked to share the illustration project from my sermon on sunday. based on heidi neumark's experience in a church in mexico city, the people of the church bring rice and share it with others. i am inviting you to do the same; if you do not live in merced, simply secure a sandwich size baggie and when you are finished with your 'fall' assignment, share the baggie with your local food pantry. the 2 cents is reflective of what the widow gave in the parable in mark -- so, of course, you'll want to read that parable! the illustration is as follows:
a glad-bag of rice based on mMark 12:38-44; two copper coins…contribute out of your abundance.
purchase a 1 pound bag of rice. remove the 2 cents (i had placed 2 pennies and these directions in each bag) and place them next to your plastic baggie as a reminder of the sacrificial voice you are making on behalf of others. leave the plastic baggie and the 2 cents visible on your counter, and as people ask about it, share the story of how you are helping to make a difference in the lives of the people here in merced (or the community in which you live).
for each person who eats in your household, place a spoonful of rice in the bag. you might be tempted to just pour the bag of rice in the baggie and be done with it…but pastor jay says…try to resist! one of the points of this service project is to realize that, while we are privileged to live without a spoonful of rice every meal, there are others who would live an entire day on that one spoonful of rice. when you have filled up your plastic baggie, bring it to church with you and place it in the green tub in the hallway on the cypress street side of our church building; your bag will be used in our food pantry. (or bring it to your nearest food pantry).
carry the pennies with you as a reminder that in order to really make the change jesus talked about, we will need to become advocates of change. when you’ve finished this ‘project’, share your experience with the church by email ( or by a written note; and share your experience with one other person not related to our community of faith. then invite someone else to ‘serve god’s world’ by advocating for a change.
so, as some of you know, an out of town friend of mine and i were to go to yosemite...and we did, but we hadn't expected snow! notice the contrast between the tree in my yard and the tree in the yosemite valley! ironic!
this will be the memory i hold of the fall of 2012, as i fill up my bag with rice; thankful for a warm roof over my head, and the ability to experience the beauty of the fall, as well as the ability to share from the abundance of god's gifts.
i hope you have been blessed . . . . and that you will share that blessing in the days to come.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
election results, not yet in....except:
while the election results are not yet in...the polls in california have only been open for three hours -- 6 hours on the east coast -- there are some things i'd like to share, for which i don't mind expressing how i've voted.
if i were to be part of the 'exit polls', i would vote in favor of:
+ sending a birthday cookie gram to your daughter (or loved one or whomever you wish) on their special day...get well, congratulations, happy happy, thinking of you ... whatever! kristen turned 24 on halloween, and i was able to spend saturday with she and her significant over lunch. but on the actual day of her birthday, both of us were working -- imagine that! so i sent her a 'cookie bouquet'. she was delighted, and she could share it with the office! so, 'making some body's day' gets my vote!
+ walking and/or driving under the trees on an autumn day while they drop their leaves. this will probably be as close as i get to being in a victory parade. so, why not make it an annual event every day during the fall. if you are driving in merced, i recommend a slow drive down bear creek. if you imagine yourself out strolling in the woods in the north east, this is our 'north east'. or take a walk down a tree-lined street; almost every street in merced has trees. so get out and vote for your favorite tree-lined/leaf-falling street. after all, it is your right, and it can be so very healthy; bring a friend or family member to share the experience. so, 'sharing in the fall' gets my vote!
+ i love witty-ness! so, as i passed by the social security office, i noticed the sculpture of the (older) woman walking, holding the hands of the two children. honestly, i hadn't given that piece of artwork too much thought, although i've always appreciated it. but someone has draped a pink scarf around the woman's neck; bright pink! you can't help but notice it! is it a statement on curing breast cancer? did the person think she might have gotten chilly at night? did someone lose their scarf and said scarf was placed there to be easily found? no matter the reason, it made me chuckle and think. so, it gets my 'witty in pink' vote!
--- votes i don't count: mud slinging; negative ads; political mailings; recorded messages in which you only get 1/2 the message because the other machine 'didn't wait for the beep'; calls from a live person that won't take 'no' for an answer the first time i say it. these get my 'you're wasting my patience' vote, and somehow i even lose my christian attitude around such experiences.
one last vote, in favor: yosemite. a friend of mine has decided to spend a few days of his vacation visiting merced, and we're off to see yosemite on saturday! am i not the most fortunate person in the world?! it will be his first experience of yosemite and that park, anytime, is a treasure -- and it's in our own back yard! it has been a long while since i've been there in the fall, and i'm so excited to share the experience with a friend. you-all are invited to come along that you can experience why 'yosemite gets my vote'. no matter what, it will be an experience, an adventure, and additional steps on my pedometer! and that's a vote worth counting!!!
what gets your vote?
and now, after reading all the way to this point, i want to share a final thought: this election result just in -- you get my vote too! thanks for sharing this time with me. i hope all is well with you . . . . blessings to your day.
if i were to be part of the 'exit polls', i would vote in favor of:
+ sending a birthday cookie gram to your daughter (or loved one or whomever you wish) on their special day...get well, congratulations, happy happy, thinking of you ... whatever! kristen turned 24 on halloween, and i was able to spend saturday with she and her significant over lunch. but on the actual day of her birthday, both of us were working -- imagine that! so i sent her a 'cookie bouquet'. she was delighted, and she could share it with the office! so, 'making some body's day' gets my vote!
+ walking and/or driving under the trees on an autumn day while they drop their leaves. this will probably be as close as i get to being in a victory parade. so, why not make it an annual event every day during the fall. if you are driving in merced, i recommend a slow drive down bear creek. if you imagine yourself out strolling in the woods in the north east, this is our 'north east'. or take a walk down a tree-lined street; almost every street in merced has trees. so get out and vote for your favorite tree-lined/leaf-falling street. after all, it is your right, and it can be so very healthy; bring a friend or family member to share the experience. so, 'sharing in the fall' gets my vote!
+ i love witty-ness! so, as i passed by the social security office, i noticed the sculpture of the (older) woman walking, holding the hands of the two children. honestly, i hadn't given that piece of artwork too much thought, although i've always appreciated it. but someone has draped a pink scarf around the woman's neck; bright pink! you can't help but notice it! is it a statement on curing breast cancer? did the person think she might have gotten chilly at night? did someone lose their scarf and said scarf was placed there to be easily found? no matter the reason, it made me chuckle and think. so, it gets my 'witty in pink' vote!
--- votes i don't count: mud slinging; negative ads; political mailings; recorded messages in which you only get 1/2 the message because the other machine 'didn't wait for the beep'; calls from a live person that won't take 'no' for an answer the first time i say it. these get my 'you're wasting my patience' vote, and somehow i even lose my christian attitude around such experiences.
one last vote, in favor: yosemite. a friend of mine has decided to spend a few days of his vacation visiting merced, and we're off to see yosemite on saturday! am i not the most fortunate person in the world?! it will be his first experience of yosemite and that park, anytime, is a treasure -- and it's in our own back yard! it has been a long while since i've been there in the fall, and i'm so excited to share the experience with a friend. you-all are invited to come along that you can experience why 'yosemite gets my vote'. no matter what, it will be an experience, an adventure, and additional steps on my pedometer! and that's a vote worth counting!!!
what gets your vote?
and now, after reading all the way to this point, i want to share a final thought: this election result just in -- you get my vote too! thanks for sharing this time with me. i hope all is well with you . . . . blessings to your day.
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