memorial day. a time to remember those who have served our country. this is also a time to be actively praying and working for peace; in our hearts, our lives, and our world. american movie classics did an entire week-end showing of war classics. what a painful reminder of our history. . . .
memorial day. we can now wear 'white' for the summer. does wearing white help us, psychologically speaking, to think we are really cooler than we are, temperature wise? if so, we all needed non-white sweaters this past week-end! memorial day may be the 'beginning of summer', but we're still in spring!
memorial day. bar-be-qued meat; an american past-time. back-yard events. a more relaxed time of the year. i continue to work on my lawn and yard. i've moved my garbage cans to the side yard, with easy access to the street. flowers are in bloom. the backyard tree is BIG, and none of my plants died over the winter! and, more importantly, the weeds are very happy! but the best thing about taking care of my yard over time is that the weeds aren't deep; they grow in last year's mulch, and are easy to pull!
memorial day. summer box office smash hits. i had someone drag me to 'the hangover part 2'. i went kicking and screaming...explaining that i hadn't seen 'the hangover part 1' didn't seem to matter. "you don't need to see one to see two", i was told. i tried very hard not to go...but, not hard enough. so, what happened? besides not enjoying this 'free ticket adventure', we arrived 7 minutes into previews, and ended up having to sit in the third row. honestly that wasn't SO bad, but, we sat in front of a family with 3 children under twelve. here was the problem....
this movie was rated "r". i googled the rating scale when i got home..."r" is restricted. children under 17 are required to be accompanied by a parent or adult guardian. WHY, you ask??? "r" rated films have adult themes, adult activity, hard language, violence, nudity, and drug abuse. if you'd like to see all these features in one place, go see 'the hangover (either 1 or 2, i suspect -- they're probably alike, except that 1 takes place in las vegas, and 2 takes place in thailand). BUT, when you go, leave your under-age children at home. what was that parent thinking???
it was not the movie that made me uncomfortable (repulsed, yes), but sitting in front of young children...o my god! i wanted to offer to child sit them outside...i would have gladly bought popcorn, soda, ice cream, pizza, you name it! notice i didn't tell you the content of the movie. use your imagination. and sit in your yard instead!
so, my memorial day advice for the summer is this: save wearing white until after you do yard work. actively pray and work and live peace, and encourage others to do the same. and when you choose a movie for entertainment, invite someone who is of age to attend the experience and share the moment. and if you have children who do not fit the correct stats for the movie -- call me. i'll be happy to provide child care!
most of all, be safe, be grateful, and enjoy times of renewal and care. take a leisurely walk, and bar-be-que more fish and veggies and less red meat. and always say a prayer of thanksgiving as you share your bounty with somebody else! let the warm weather begin . . . .
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
a spring walk -- with hope
perhaps i was just inspired by the beauty of the day, yesterday. but i woke up with the sun, and went for a walk around my neighborhood. i went a different route -- always a good thing to do, at times. try changing the route you go. you will be amazed at what you see!
so on this spring walk, i was filled with hope, and i was inspired!
first, the hope. when i moved to merced five years ago, after i bought my house, i began to see 'for sale' signs popping up like weeds all over. this was NOT a good sign for a first time home buyer, or for our community! but things got worse! for sale signs turned into foreclosure signs. our neighborhoods looked like a blight had hit them. building stopped; vacant lots became more visible, and a depressed mood began to inhabit our community.
not wanting to appear too 'pollyanna-ish', yesterday's walk gave me hope. while there are still some empty houses, the vacant lands have been well cared for, and the empty house signs are back to 'for sale' instead of 'foreclosure'. many more yards are being kept up, and families are putting back down roots. my neighborhood is more pride full, with the empowering kind of pride. hope. and now for the 'i was inspired' part.
i have been slowly getting my own back yard into 'welcome' order, and i was inspired, after my walk-about, to get a few 'color spots' and bring my fountain out of hibernation, and settle in. i'm not done yet, but i did take some time just to sit and enjoy part of the day. read a book; sipped on fresh brewed ice tea; listened to the sounds of my quiet neighborhood.
inspiration doesn't have to zap you like a lightening rod. a simple walk around the neighborhood did it for me. children were playing in their front yards; people i don't know said 'hi'; the weather had a slight breeze and was the perfect temperature. i was inspired. and grateful that hope seems to have returned this spring.
there's more to be done at my house...they've discontinued my shredded bark, so i'll have to go on a hunt for something that doesn't float away when i water. but, it's a small price to pay when hope and inspiration come together. actually, i can hardly wait for memorial day week-end! let the summer begin.
iced tea anyone? and why not share what inspires you with the rest of us....
so on this spring walk, i was filled with hope, and i was inspired!
first, the hope. when i moved to merced five years ago, after i bought my house, i began to see 'for sale' signs popping up like weeds all over. this was NOT a good sign for a first time home buyer, or for our community! but things got worse! for sale signs turned into foreclosure signs. our neighborhoods looked like a blight had hit them. building stopped; vacant lots became more visible, and a depressed mood began to inhabit our community.
not wanting to appear too 'pollyanna-ish', yesterday's walk gave me hope. while there are still some empty houses, the vacant lands have been well cared for, and the empty house signs are back to 'for sale' instead of 'foreclosure'. many more yards are being kept up, and families are putting back down roots. my neighborhood is more pride full, with the empowering kind of pride. hope. and now for the 'i was inspired' part.
i have been slowly getting my own back yard into 'welcome' order, and i was inspired, after my walk-about, to get a few 'color spots' and bring my fountain out of hibernation, and settle in. i'm not done yet, but i did take some time just to sit and enjoy part of the day. read a book; sipped on fresh brewed ice tea; listened to the sounds of my quiet neighborhood.
inspiration doesn't have to zap you like a lightening rod. a simple walk around the neighborhood did it for me. children were playing in their front yards; people i don't know said 'hi'; the weather had a slight breeze and was the perfect temperature. i was inspired. and grateful that hope seems to have returned this spring.
there's more to be done at my house...they've discontinued my shredded bark, so i'll have to go on a hunt for something that doesn't float away when i water. but, it's a small price to pay when hope and inspiration come together. actually, i can hardly wait for memorial day week-end! let the summer begin.
iced tea anyone? and why not share what inspires you with the rest of us....
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
weddings and making a discovery
i had the distinct pleasure to officiate at a wedding on saturday. the location was about an hour north east from merced, so i ended up staying over both friday night (for the rehearsal) and saturday night (for the wedding), and getting up bright and early sunday morning (well, it would have been bright if it hadn't been raining!) to get to worship by 9!
but it was a great time to be away from my usual routine; i brought work to do during saturday, but life seemed so much more inviting than if i had stayed in my office doing that same work! i love computers for this reason -- and laptops, especially! i parked myself in front of a renewing view, and worked and listed to balls whizzing by me (ok, we were at a golf and country club, and i was on the 'green', but i didn't have to worry about my 'putt' -- good thing; i can't golf!)
so, i enjoyed watching and working and when i had a mind to take a break, i walked around the area and discovered this great picture above . . . the area is filled with unique sites and beauty. and i have always loved poppies. so, in the midst of this recreation-living community, i was able to be renewed with the sights and sounds of god's creation.
the wedding. the bride was beautiful; the groom cried. the family was happy; the guests, while very diverse, found that the common link to the week-end was love. love is the deepest, most common thread in our lives. and when we discover love . . . it is as if god reminds us to 'take no chances; embrace that love'. and for the sake of this couple, everyone did! love flowed as surely as the wine! (oops, i mean grape juice! we (united) methodists are filled with the un-fermented love of the vine!) i trust that this love will only grow more strongly as time goes on for marc and amy. they are a delight to witness -- and, because they are my neighbors, i will get to watch their love grow and mature.
love is not simple in this day and age. and each person must make their way to find such love and nurture its development. and all i can do with any couple is to support them and pray for them and be there for them...such a little investment on my part, but what an impact supportive family and friends can have on an evolving relationship. never underestimate your impact on another human being. love is as delicate as the poppy. but see how that poppy stands out when it is nurtured and appreciated.
the discovery i made was returning home in the wee hours of sunday. pretty much around the corner from where i live stands this marker of safety. this emblem -- monument, really -- has been in that spot since the 1930's! i've lived here for five years and noticed it and kept meaning to stop and see it; honestly it is so 'out of place'; this stands on a busy highway, in front of an abandoned house near the edge of the road. the company that received this recognition is no longer there, but the saying is all well and good for today: "safety follows wisdom". notice, i stopped and finally looked!
safety follows wisdom. what a perfect metaphor for beginning a new life together. in love, we promise to be faithful no matter what; to be supportive, to honor and respect one another; to laugh and cry and to be there for one another. love must be protected in safety. and those who are wise and successful in their relationships know the great cost of love. wouldn't it be a powerful tribute to love if we could place a monument somewhere to remind us that the cost of this 'hard work' was worth it?!
amy and marc know that; for as much as they tried to have the perfect wedding, unforeseen things happen; the wind blew out their unity candle. they know, however, that the real flame is the one shining within. those could be meaningful words on a monument, don't you think?
what phrase would you want the world to live by in this day and age, that would have lasting meaning in the years to come? 'safety follows wisdom' and 'love never ends' works well for me!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
safety reflection
returning back to work after a week at a workshop/retreat is very difficult. we even had a session on 're-entry', and how to come back into the world after being focused in the way we were for the week. and i grant you, it is difficult!
on my way to church today, i noticed that stop signals are, i think, used as a choice -- if one wants to stop on yellow, they might; if not, it seems perfectly acceptable to just 'plow on ahead'. i am reminded of a dear woman friend who was told to 'take a breath in and out when you come to a stop sign, before going on'. that piece of advice doesn't seem to work at an electric signal. even when there are pedestrians around who have started to cross the street, their rights are not fully observed.
this, of course, becomes a safety issue. cars and walkers/bikers clash, and the walkers/bikers become 'at risk'. i realize this now as i've started walking again. and isn't it ironic that walking for health reasons can be such a risk.
this morning i left the house at 5:30; really risky. it occurs to me that people in cars drive as if no one else should be out at that time of the morning....ok, if you've followed my blog for any length of time, you'll notice that i've made this remark before. and so i've noticed that some communities are making cross-walks stand out more; flashing lights are pushed if you want to cross. and who knew, but, cars are suppose to stop!!! remarkable!
so, my reflection today is to 'slow down'; breathe at a stop sign; remember that we are not at the starting gate of the kentucky derby when the green light comes on. and, when i am walking -- and i hope you'll remember this too -- that while the law says we have the 'right of way', hesitate before crossing'. i think we all might live longer! safety.
on another note ... because some of you think that retreats are all work and no play ... i have to say that our group had a little fun with jesus last week. if you go back to last week's post, you'll notice the picture of jesus with his hands raised. i believe this image is suppose to be about blessing all who enter the retreat center. well, we got to laughing, that jesus looked more like he was saying , 'no! no! go back!' or 'we have rules here -- one of which is not to linger over lunch' or even 'slow down; bunnies at play' (there really were bunnies on the property; very friendly, and, seemingly, always hungry). so, maybe that can be your laugh for the many phrases of jesus can you come up with in a minute, as you reflect upon that statue????
on my way to church today, i noticed that stop signals are, i think, used as a choice -- if one wants to stop on yellow, they might; if not, it seems perfectly acceptable to just 'plow on ahead'. i am reminded of a dear woman friend who was told to 'take a breath in and out when you come to a stop sign, before going on'. that piece of advice doesn't seem to work at an electric signal. even when there are pedestrians around who have started to cross the street, their rights are not fully observed.
this, of course, becomes a safety issue. cars and walkers/bikers clash, and the walkers/bikers become 'at risk'. i realize this now as i've started walking again. and isn't it ironic that walking for health reasons can be such a risk.
this morning i left the house at 5:30; really risky. it occurs to me that people in cars drive as if no one else should be out at that time of the morning....ok, if you've followed my blog for any length of time, you'll notice that i've made this remark before. and so i've noticed that some communities are making cross-walks stand out more; flashing lights are pushed if you want to cross. and who knew, but, cars are suppose to stop!!! remarkable!
so, my reflection today is to 'slow down'; breathe at a stop sign; remember that we are not at the starting gate of the kentucky derby when the green light comes on. and, when i am walking -- and i hope you'll remember this too -- that while the law says we have the 'right of way', hesitate before crossing'. i think we all might live longer! safety.
on another note ... because some of you think that retreats are all work and no play ... i have to say that our group had a little fun with jesus last week. if you go back to last week's post, you'll notice the picture of jesus with his hands raised. i believe this image is suppose to be about blessing all who enter the retreat center. well, we got to laughing, that jesus looked more like he was saying , 'no! no! go back!' or 'we have rules here -- one of which is not to linger over lunch' or even 'slow down; bunnies at play' (there really were bunnies on the property; very friendly, and, seemingly, always hungry). so, maybe that can be your laugh for the many phrases of jesus can you come up with in a minute, as you reflect upon that statue????
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

emotional intelligence workings with our thinking part of the brain to fuse together our authentic selves, so that we can be communicate and live more powerfully with one another.
i did an assessment on myself before i came, and invited 20 people to also do an assessment on me, so that i can learn to better understand myself, and how i relate with other people.
i received feedback from 18 of the 20 people! now i will work in a group process to understand how to make use of this material!

upon entering this retreat setting; quite, welcoming, and ready to work, i was greeted by jesus; arms outstretched; isn't that an image?
then tucked away among the trees is 'mother mary'; a little "over-exposed", i'm afraid, but a willing reminder that prayer is what is helpful on a journey like this. the flowers are a welcome sight from this long winter and spring; the wetness of the seasons has rewarded us!
i depart for another group process this afternoon, but before that time, i am invited to come up with the areas i'd like to concentrate on this week, with a room full (12 of us) of people i do not know. how does one build up trust and be willing to share and grow with complete strangers?
the response to that is, 'first you risk, then you trust'. we learn to do this in small groups...imagine that?! we, at the merced church, are working to find the 'perfect' way to be in small grow deeper in our spiritual journeys, and to invite others to share with christian people whom they do not know -- who are actually suspect about
why christians want to share their faith. we tend to 'want members' and see that action as a sign of growth. growth happens internally, and may eventually be expressed, externally.
small groups teach us that growth is within us, and spiritual growth happens when we are willing to invite others into relationship, and simply be a compassionate friend, willing to share the journey of growth in god.
a group of us met on sunday evening to talk about ministry with the wesley clubs. could we see ourselves supporting ministry that may never see 'numbers' in our sanctuary? could we possibly believe that supporting students on their journey of faith means that when they leave our community, they might remember that 'united methodists weren't so bad', or that those people were safe to be around. who knows that when they settle into a community, they might be in need of a spiritual path; that path may lead them to a united methodist church....and the angels will be singing praise to god!!!

spend some time today being fed by god's spirit. pour yourself a glass of cool, refreshing water; remember the source of that gift, and be thankful. offer yourself into service today to someone, and be blessed to receive what comes by sharing your time and energy.
and when the day is done, offer yourself once more to god; let your nurturing rest renew your body, soul and mind.
arise tomorrow, ready to be bold and faithful, asking nothing in return. we have been raised with christ. live this good news.....
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