I have not done a blog entry since I returned from Europe. So thank you for those who have returned, looking, and been so encouraging....and for those just new, welcome!
I am in Aptos this week, staying in a lovely condo offered by a member in the congregation, as I attend a Board of Ordained Ministry Retreat for the RIM; working with those who are working toward Ordination in the United Methodist Church; very exciting!
As I began to blog at a local Starbucks, someone came up to me and said, 'has anyone ever said you look like Rob Rhiner?' Well, ya never can tell -- I may have been in some other lifetime, but I'll leave that for some other blog, and let Rob live his talented life.
Anyway....before the Retreat, I had an opportunity to spend some time in reflection, and in the cool delights of the California Coast....

I looked out toward Santa Cruz (Aptos is south), and in the distance was what turned out to be a cement ship....but you really couldn't tell (picture above). And I thought how much that was like what we are trying to figure out. We've been in our present location for over 50 years, so it's a good time to take a step back and see what lies infront of us. I realize that it is ok not to know -- even though that can cause anxiety. The reality is that seeing a blur -- i have to take my glasses off to take a picture even with my iphone! -- can make us interested in exploring that blur, or cause us to move on, or make us stop in our tracks.

The Church is no different. Our building calls us to be in constant repair, or one day we may look like this cement ship! Such repair work is faithful stewardship; as leaving a faithful sanctuary is what we can offer folks now and in the future. But, I don't believe we can just simply "be". While our building causes some of our ministry to be stationary, we, as people, can move out from there, and come back on occasion for renewal and growth. Both going back and doing, and coming back and renewing are important elements of ministry.
So the anxiety part. When I turned to walk back to my car, I noticed this stairway...perhaps to heaven, but more likely simply to the top. But, from this angle, one cannot see to the top. If one can't see to the top, does one start out anyway searching for adventure? Or think it too risky even to try? Sometimes standing too closely to a situation can impair our vision for the possibility. So, in order to see more clearly, I had to move away... and ended up getting the picture below. What I would have missed by not stepping back -- I would have missed the bigger picture! Just like if I hadn't gone closer to that ship, I might have missed that insight as well. Because, honestly, I thought at first sight, that ship was actually the remains of the pier.
So, by using the Spiritual Disciplines from this summer, I was able to remind myself that ministry is an adventure, not a destination; our church ministry is about preserving AND creating, remembering and pondering the possibilities.
And, by the way, this is the reward I received when I looked another way....who knew flowers could grow in the sand? But they do, which reminds me that even with shifting sand, roots can grow deeply. We're not sunk yet. We might not even be stuck yet; only a little anxious, because we can't see clearly what lies ahead, because it might be a blur, or out of sight.

There were lots of people fishing on that pier as I went toward that ship. That in itself is a wonderful concept, isn't it? Creativity involves the reality that God, not we ourselves, is the one who nudges us to be about the doing. And the doing comes in many shapes and sizes; praying, learning, seeing, listening, trying, failing, succeeding, moving out and doing, and resting as well.
As the Autumn begins, we at the United Methodist Church in Merced will be about all of that, and more! We're inviting people to participate in Small Groups, and we challenge one another to be witnesses of God's Spirit in this day and in the many days to come. We're about being the hands and feet, the ears and eyes, the voice of the living Christ; we are called to remember that Jesus is in our midst. How much more fun can we have than that?!

But if we trust, God and one another, imagine the possibilities!
What say you?